Wednesday, October 23, 2019

John Oliver on lead for National TV Talk Show Host Day

Happy National TV Talk Show Host Day!  I'm going to be a good environmentalist and recycle.
National Day Calendar explains the occasion.
On October 23rd get ready to go live before a studio audience on National TV Talk Show Host Day!  Created to pay tribute to TV talk show hosts and appreciate their unique form of humor, entertaining stories, spontaneous wit and timely political jokes.
Each day we watch our favorite talk shows, and we laugh, cry, listen and learn. It is these great hosts that make the shows ones that we want to watch.
I'm even going to recycle the TV talk show host I'm featuring, John Oliver, whose "Last Week Tonight" won four Emmy Awards again.  To continue with the theme of this morning's Mona Hanna-Attisha recounts the Flint Water Crisis for CBS Sunday Morning, I'm sharing Lead from three years ago.  When I searched YouTube for "Mona Hanna-Attisha," it appeared as a related result.

Lead poisoning is a national problem. If only lawmakers were as concerned as the puppets on Sesame Street.
That was as informative as it was entertaining.  I'm glad Oliver and his writers have kept up the good work.

Stay tuned for a post about "Food, Inc." for Food Day tomorrow.

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