Thursday, June 6, 2024

Biden, Macron, Trudeau, and King Charles observe the 80th anniversary of D-Day

It's the 80th anniversary of D-Day on Throwback Thursday, so I'm sharing videos from the three countries leading the landings plus the host country. I begin today's observance with ABC News video of President Biden speaks in Normandy marking the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

Biden greeted surviving members one-by-one, thanking them for the service on that fateful day.
As an expatriate Californian, who loves entertainment nearly as much as my country and tells my students you can take me out of California but you can't take California out of me, I appreciated the name checks of The Longest Day and Band of Brothers. I'm only surprised he and his speechwriter(s) didn't manage to mention Saving Private Ryan as well. I guess one Tom Hanks show was enough.

I also appreciated how President Biden related D-Day to the present day, especially the domestic fight to protect democracy against authoritarianism at home and foreign aggression in Ukraine. May we be up to the task.

Follow over the jump for videos representing France, Canada, and the United Kingdom at the event.

U.S. President Biden joined the French President as Macron awards US veterans with Legion of Honour • FRANCE 24 English.

French President Emmanuel Macron has awarded 11 U.S. WWII veterans with the Legion of Honour, France’s highest distinction, during commemorations marking the 80th anniversary of D-Day.
This video has my favorite preview image, but otherwise it couldn't compete with Biden's speech, which had the strongest message and deserved to go first.

Next, CTV uploaded We remember your sacrifices': PM Trudeau | Canadian D-Day ceremony in France.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau reflects on the contribution and sacrifices Canadian soldiers made during the Battle of Normandy.
Canadian modesty and multiculturalism in action!

Finally, I come to the United Kingdom, represented by Guardian News reporting King Charles praises D-day veterans on 80th anniversary of landings.

King Charles has praised D-day veterans at the UK’s commemoration event in Ver-sur-Mer, France, on the 80th anniversary of the landings.
King Charles gave a longer address yesterday, but it was at Portsmouth, not Normandy, so I'm sharing it at my Dreamwidth later.

The Independent showing King Charles, President Macron and Rishi Sunak lay wreaths at D-Day 80th memorial event summed up the ceremony.

King Charles, President Macron and Rishi Sunak laid wreaths at the D-Day 80th memorial event in France.

King Charles delivered an emotional speech in which he praised the “remarkable wartime generation” and unflinching bravery of the Normandy landings veterans.

All looked skyward as the British national anthem rang through the British Normandy Memorial of Ver-sur-Mer, as a red, white and blue-smoked flyover took place.
That deserved the final video spot on the flyover alone.

I close with this image I retweeted.

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