I know I promised three times to write an entry about how The Archdruid has helped my blogging develop. Unfortunately, my promise to make it the next in the series was based on my not being consistent in which page counter I was using. According to the secondary page counter, the headline entry of that retrospective ended up in fifth place, not fourth place, among the entries I posted during the third year of this blog. Don't worry, that retrospective is already one-third written and I'll post it before the month is over.
The actual fourth most read entry of the third year of Crazy Eddie's Motie News is Second Year of Crazy Eddie's Motie News: Examiner.com, posted on March 25, 2013. According to the secondary counter, it has 1138 page views. However, according to the primary counter, it has only 486, well behind the most read entry about The Archdruid with 638. According to the primary counter, this puts the retrospective of my entries about my Examiner.com articles in third place for the year and ninth for the history of the blog, while the top Archdruid entry in second place for the year and fifth place overall. That's the source of my confusion.
As for how this entry got so popular, it's another mystery to me. I posted it during a time when I did not promote specific entries at Kunstler's blog, I don't recall posting the link anywhere besides my Facebook, Google Plus, and Twitter accounts, and I don't see any search terms that would lead readers to that entry. Just the same, it got as high as sixth on the all-time top ten list according to the primary counter.
It followed right behind the headline entry of the retrospective, Examiner.com article on Michigan Supreme Court nominees posted on September 12, 2012. A year ago, it had 372 page views the primary counter and 814 according to the secondary counter. As of March 21, 2013, it has 833 according to the primary counter, enough for fourth all-time, and 1913 views according to the secondary counter. That's right behind the number two entry according to the primary counter, Dungeons and Dragons alignments for Game of Thrones characters with 1915 page views according to the secondary counter, and well ahead of the number one all-time entry according to the primary counter, Happy 4th of July from James Howard Kunstler's Tea Party! with 1277 page views according to the secondary counter. Obviously, the entry has maintained its popularity over the past year.
Another entry I mentioned in Second Year of Crazy Eddie's Motie News: Examiner.com has also been on the move. Follow over the jump for its story, plus one for popular retrospective from the second year of the blog and the entry it looked back on.
The entry about Examiner.com that made a move last year was Examiner.com article on tax policy forum, posted September 17, 2012. As of March 21, 2013, it had 211 views according to the secondary counter, enough for 18th place among all entries posted that year. Since then, it began a steady rise into the top ten all-time, knocking off first Austerity on the personal level from the AP, which itself kicked out Old man yelling at chair accidentally reveals a deeper truth. It then engaged in a dogfight with U.S.-China EcoPartnerships: The CoDominion plans for sustainability. By March 21st, it looked like it had lost, earning at most 402 page views according to the primary counter (I didn't check the secondary counter, so those numbers were never recorded), falling out of the top ten for good. The story is not over; today it's back in the all-time top ten with 926 according to the secondary counter and 442 according to the primary counter. As for what's driving it this year, I think the sites Google Correction, JustforLaughs.tv, and Vampire Stat bear at least some responsiblity. Those were the ones I saw on the referring links list when the entry became popular again last October and November.
While I'm on the subject of retrospectives, the most popular from the second year of the blog was The first year of Crazy Eddie's Motie News: Part 5 of several, posted on April 27, 2012, with 490 page views according to the secondary counter and 1 comment. It was the seventh most read entry of the second year, and the next one after FBI declares ICP and Juggalos a gang; ICP sues. That's where that series of retrospectives bogged down. I couldn't get a good grip on how to write the retrospective and more interesting topics got my attention. At least now I've figured out how--have it grab the coat tails of another retrospective of a retrospective. By the way, it now has 571 page views according to the secondary counter.
As for the entry it reviewed, First post: Why this blog?, that has maintained its popularity. As of March 21, 2012, it had 361 page views according to the primary counter, enough for fifth place for the year and all-time, back when the two were the same thing. By March 21, 2013, it reached 615 page views according to the primary counter, lifting it up to third place all time. As of March 21st of this year, it had actually lost ten page views (this is why I've given up on the primary counter as the way I order entries) and had fallen to seventh place. I don't know what it had on March 21st on the secondary counter, but today it has 1438 page views using that measure. That still places it ahead of anything I wrote this past year.
Enough retrospectives about retrospectives. The next entry in this series will be about The Archdruid.
Previous entries in this series:
- Floods in Colorado, the other top post for the third year of Crazy Eddie's Motie News, plus other climate news
- Space News for the second and third year of Crazy Eddie's Motie News
- Top post for the third year of Crazy Eddie's Motie News--Ringworld
- Statistics for the third year of Crazy Eddie's Motie News
- Happy Nowruz and happy birthday to the blog
Entries in the previous series:
- Happy birthday to the blog and Happy Nowruz to all of you
- Second Year of Crazy Eddie's Motie News: Statistics
- Second Year of Crazy Eddie's Motie News: Top post of 2012
- Second Year of Crazy Eddie's Motie News: Eastwooding
- Second Year of Crazy Eddie's Motie News: Examiner.com
- Second Year of Crazy Eddie's Motie News: Kunstler's Tea Party
- Second Year of Crazy Eddie's Motie News: Detroit meme
- Second Year of Crazy Eddie's Motie News: Scary musical clowns from Detroit
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