It's time to repeat what I did two years ago.
If all goes according to plan, I'll be celebrating the holiday by walking (not marching--I've done enough of that for a lifetime) in the Clawson 4th of July Parade...That was a fun experience that I described in A-10s on parade. In fact, it was such a fun experience that I plan on doing it again, this time as a volunteer for Nancy Skinner. She's running on a platform that emphasizes fighting climate change. Here's her campaign video: 11:11:1.
Nancy Skinner is running in one of the very few US House Seats in the nation that is "in play" due to gerrymandering, Michigan's 11th District. The incumbent is a first term Tea Party (and major Climate Denier), Kerry Bentivolio. Roll Call has MI-11 in it's Top Ten Most Vulnerable Seats.She's also the only major party candidate I've heard heard mention peak oil. On top of which, she's running in the 11th Congressional District, which is great for entertainment value and right next door. How could I not support her? I couldn't resist.
Nancy has run twice before for Congress on Climate Change. The first time was 2004 in the US Senate Democratic primary in Illinois, where a little-known state senator, Barack Obama, won the primary.
Obama heartily endorsed Nancy during her second run for office, calling her his sharpest opponent. In the second campaign which was for US Congress in MI 9, Nancy's hometown, Nancy almost beat 14 year incumbent Joe Knollenberg, despite being outspent 8:1. Bobby Kennedy Jr. did Nancy's ads during this campaign, calling for her to be elected for her leadership on climate change.
Now, the redistricted seat is Michigan's new 11th (half her previous district) and Nancy is up against a much easier opponent. We can win this race and earn a blue Congressional seat, but we need your help! We can show politicians that running on climate change is viable, and that the American people truly care about this issue, but only if you stand up for the cause! We need your donation, whatever you can afford, to ensure that the SkinnerSquad has the funds necessary to win this race.
Make your choice and your voice heard!
Finally, the weather should be perfect, as WXYZ reports in Fine Fourth of July forecast.
Beats the hell out of the 100 degree F. on July 4th two years ago.
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