From the website:
So what is the NaBloPoMo theme of the month?This theme should be a piece of cake for me. After all, this is primarily a news blog, not a personal blog; it even has news in the title and a news label already. It's enough to actually convince me to use the prompts. Some of them are even on topics that I have covered here.
Women's lives matter. That is the simple idea behind the #womenslives initative spearheaded by Public Radio International and SheKnows (BlogHer's parent company). News flash: Our lives are newsworthy. And it's time to step up and use our platforms to not only tell our story but to add our voice to the recording of history.
This month we'll be talking about news. The places you get your news, the amount of time you use focusing on the news, and critiquing the news to see what works and doesn't work (Emphasis mine-P-S). Women may be 50% of the world's population, but we're only 24% of the news stories. It's time to change that number.
At the same time, this month in BlogHer University, we'll be running a mini journalism school. The writing prompts will be great practice in turning your blog into not just a day-to-day record of your life, but also, at times, a journalistic endeavour.
Sign up for March's NaBloPoMo and let's make news.I did. The theme was also enough to get me to sign up on the first day I could, before any blogs were listed on the blogroll. That was enough to place me 12th on the list, about as high as I've ever been.
Enough about the theme. Stay tuned for the Sunday entertainment entry. There's more going on than the death of Leonard Nimoy.
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