Thursday, May 21, 2020

Trump threatens Michigan and Nevada over mail-in voting

I just mentioned the advantages of voting by mail during a pandemic in Marching music for the Oregon Primary. Not everyone likes the idea, as WOOD-TV reported Trump threatens funding after Michigan absentee ballot move.

I'll have more from WOOD-TV after I share CNN's Trump lashes out at swing states over vote-by-mail yesterday.

President Donald Trump on [Twitter] lashed out at officials in two swing states, Michigan and Nevada, over their moves to make it easier for more voters to cast their ballots by mail ahead of the November election, highlighting his growing anger over mail-in voting changes that he contends will hurt his chances of reelection. The President's harsh and often baseless criticism of vote-by-mail is significantly ratcheting up as more and more states loosen their vote-by-mail restrictions proactively or on court orders.
CNN describing Trump's comments as "harsh and often baseless criticism of vote-by-mail" is certainly mincing no words. I also happen to agree with it.

Since this is a Michigan-based blog, I think this story needs a local reaction in addition to CNN's national reaction. WOOD-TV returns with one in Benson responds after Trump threatens funding.

Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson is responding to criticism after moving to send absentee applications out to registered voters for the August and November elections.
Good for you, Secretary Benson! Just the same, this looks like a fight that will be fought all the way to the November general election. Sigh.

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