Tuesday, November 15, 2022

How to recycle smarter for America Recycles Day 2022

Happy America Recycles Day! My catchphrase for today is "America doesn't just need to recycle more, it needs to recycle better." I'm sharing three videos to help myself and my readers achieve that goal, beginning with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency wishing its YouTube viewers Happy America Recycles Day!

Recycling is a simple action that can have dramatic benefits for the environment – from saving energy and water and reducing pollution to fighting climate change and improving our air and water quality.

In honor of America Recycles Day, Administrator Regan is starting a recycle relay to challenge YOU to recycle more and recycle right.
That's a good start to getting Americans (and others, like my French readers) to recycle more effectively.

On the same theme, WUSA9 asked its viewers Verify: Do you know what goes in your recycling bin?

Recycling can be one of the easiest ways to make an impact on the planet, if you do it right. So what goes into the trash and what goes into the bin?
That was a good exercise for Earth Day, but it works just as well for America Recycles Day. I learned something from it and I hope my readers did, too.

I conclude today's post with Expert Shares 5 Ways To Fix Recycling from KOIN 6 from Portland, Oregon.

For "America Recycles Week" an expert walks us through further efforts that we should be taking to recycle materials and caring for the environment towards bettering future generations.
The first two videos concentrated on what individuals can do. This one focused on what businesses and individuals can do. That's important, too. Also, it helped make me aware of The Recycling Partnership, an organization I'd never heard of before I started researching this entry. I've now subscribed to their YouTube channel. I hope to share more of their videos in the future.

That's it for holidays, for now. Stay tuned as I return to this blog's regular programming, whatever that is.

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