This blog passed two milestones this month. The blog surpassed 11,000 page views during a month for the first time ever. Also, this morning it passed 200,000 page views since the first post nearly two-and-one-half years ago. In fact, as of Midnight GMT, the blog received 11,759 page views in August and 200,153 page views over its history. To put these achievements in perspective, it's time to re-examine the entry I wrote to mark when the blog first reached 9,000 page views in a month and 100,000 page views in its history.
As of Midnight GMT, this blog had 9,246 page views for November. That's a record, so far, and it follows two other record-breaking months, October with 8,333 page views and September with 7,761 page views. That's well ahead of where I was at the end of July 2011, the last time I wrote a weekly roundup with the month's stats, when I was thrilled to have more than 4,000 page views. That level became a plateau that lasted until the end of September. After that, the number of page views rose over the next three months to just over 6,000. Page views oscillated at level for eight months until the current rise, which I credit to the election.That was at the end of November, exactly nine months ago. Since then, the blog has added 93,000 page views. Going back to the first week of November, the blog had as many page views in just under ten months as it did during the past nineteen and a half. Again, I'm pleased.
That's not the only milestone this blog passed. By the end of the first week of November, Crazy Eddie's Motie News passed 100,000 page views and 50 followers. The blog currently has 107,168 page views and 53 followers. Considering that I had not passed 50,000 page views yet as of March 21st of this year, that means I have had more page views during the past eight months than all of the previous year. I'm pleased.
It's also time to see which of my predictions came true.
As for whether this trend will last, I have my doubts. I might have another month of growth or this might be the start of another plateau. Since there will be no election to drive readership, I'm betting on another plateau. I would love to be wrong about this.I would have won my bet. The next month, readership went down from 9,246 to 8,494 in December. In January, readership increased to another milestone and monthly record, 10,637. From there, it hit a bumpy plateau, staying in a band between 9,781 (February) and 10,903 (March) all the way through July, when readership was 10,756. Yes, I got a seven-month plateau very much like the eight-month plateau around 6,000 last year. Then again, an average of 10,000 page views a month for ten months is nothing to sneeze at.
As for what bumped this blog over 11,000 page views, I had a very good month of people coming over from Kunstler's blog. They all deserve a big thank you, which they will get when I post my acceptance speech for The Best Moment Award Julie Bass gave my blog in May. Yes, I'll get around to it. Next month's NaBloPoMo theme will be perfect for doing so.