We know that the Urban Heat Island Effect can make cities particularly vulnerable to extreme heat, but a new study uncovered something even more surprising: cities might actually be able to attract, and even CREATE, storms. In this episode, we explore what scientists know about this phenomenon, and what it might mean for where we live in the future.Not only have I blogged about urban heat islands, I've shown the videos from those posts to my students. I might just show this one, too, if I have the time. I lecture about climate change last and sometimes I run out of time, having to rely on Treasures of the Earth: Power and Chasing Ice, which I show in lab, to do the heavy lifting for me.
Speaking of running out of time, I'm going to pass on this opportunity to share my Hurricane Harvey stories. Darn. It's also World Toilet Day but I think I've written all I want to write about it already. See you all tomorrow with another evergreen entry.
Thanks to Infidel753 for linking to this entry at his blog and welcome to all of you who came here from his link. Also, welcome to my readers from Singapore, Hong Kong, Brazil, Canada, Japan, and the rest of the world!