Thursday, November 7, 2013

Royal Oak's Proposal A passes

I concluded Colorado and Washington voting on hemp and GMOs with this promise.
I also covered marriage equality in Meanwhile, at the bottom of the ballot.  There's a related issue on the ballot here in Royal Oak, Proposal A, the approval of the city's Human Rights Ordinance.  I have stories about the campaigns for and against that measure, but I'll save them until after I vote (yes, of course).  See you then!
I'll get around to sharing those stories, but right now, I'll let WXYZ do the talking for me, as they describe the results of several important ballot measures, including Proposal A, in Election Results.

I used to teach at Henry Ford Community College, so I'm glad to see that the school's millage was approved.  It used to be the premiere community college in the area, but that was more than 20 years ago, and the school has declined markedly since then.  Also, go Ferndale!  Continue to lead the way!

As for another promise I made in article on Ann Arbor city council election...
This is the first article of mine on the election results.  I'll work my way down through the city council races in other municipalities, the Dexter Charter Commission, and the various millages tomorrow.  Right now, it's time to go to bed.  Good night!
...I'm just not up for it and won't get the articles out by the 48 hour deadline.  I'll live and so will

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