Friday, February 21, 2014

A Detroit funny from Wonkette and Deadline Detroit

At the end of last week’s Derp Roundup: Your Weekly Waltz Through A Wonderland of Weird, Doktor Zoom included this bit of old but funny piece of performance art that happened this summer in downtown Detroit.
And finally, this make-of-it-what-you-will story of a beautiful prank in Detroit. It happened last summer after the city declared bankruptcy, but at Derp Roundup, we feel no obligation to deprive you of stuff just because someone sent a tip long after something happened (on the other hand, please don’t do that). See, Detroit has this big statue commemorating Joe Louis, and it’s a mighty fist:

Context? Who needs Context?

Well, OK, maybe a little context? Fist First off, it’s not a photoshop; the artist “Jerry Vile” installed the can of Crisco as a comment on the inevitable pain that the bankruptcy would cause the city. Sadly, it was removed as “abandoned property” by 2:00 of the afternoon he dropped it off. Some people got no sense of humor.
The full original story is at Deadline Detroit and includes this gem.

I should read Deadline Detroit more often.

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