Monday, July 1, 2024

A happy drum corps Canada Day 2024!

Happy Canada Day! I resume my regular order of presentation of Canada's drum corps with a pre-DCI performance, Guelph Royalaires (Live at Waterloo, Ontario, 9/8/1962) by Fleetwood Sounds, making this an official upload.

Guelph Royalaires (Live at Waterloo, Ontario, 9/8/1962) · Fleetwood Sounds
The 1962 Canadian Championships, Vol. 1 (Live at Waterloo, Ontario, 9/8/1962)
I've never embedded the Guelph Royalaires before, so they break ground as this year's all-age corps representative.

Next, a corps I've featured in the very first Canadian drum corps for Canada Day, 1976 Oakland Crusaders | Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake to represent the first decade of the DCI era.

Toronto's Oakland Crusaders perform selections from Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake during the 1976 DCI World Championship in [Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.]
I couldn't resist an official upload from the beginning of the show to serve as a bookend to the unofficial upload of the end of the show I used eight years ago.

Follow over the jump for Canadian corps from the 1980s to the current decade.

I choose the 1987 Ventures Drum and Bugle Corps from one of at least two Drum Corps Fan accounts to represent the 1980s.

1987 Ventures Drum and Bugle Corps
24th Place - Madison, Wisconsin
Class A Champions
May you enjoy this unofficial upload while it lasts. On the other hand, I'm more confident about Dutch Boy Drum Corps - DCI 1992 surviving, since it's from the Dutch Boy Drum Corps account, making it an official upload.

That completes this year's selection of Canadian corps from the 20th Century. Moving on the 21st, I'm featuring 2003 Kiwanis Kavaliers Drum and Bugle Corps from Drum Corps Fan.

2003 Kiwanis kavaliers Drum and Bugle Corps
20th Place - Orlando, Florida - Citrus Bowl
A Beatles show!

So far, this has been an all-Ontario event. Time to share units from the rest of the country, beginning with the Prairie Provinces. Representing both Alberta and the 2010s, I'm sharing Music213's video of Calgary Stampede Showband - 2012 Bandfest.

From Calgary, Alberta, Canada
The Calgary Stampede Showband performing at the 32nd Annual Pasadena Tournament of Roses Bandfest on Saturday, December 31st 2011.
Not exactly a drum corps, but they have competed in both Soundsport and as an International Division corps.

Moving east, I'm sharing 32nd Les Stentors 2022 to represent Quebec and bring this post up to the present day.

Should the account last so long, I might feature the 2023 show for Bastille Day, it's that French.

This concludes today's celebration of the first of three patriotic holidays in July I observe on this blog, so "it's time to recycle San. It wouldn't be one of my Canada Day posts without her."

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