Friday, July 26, 2024

Vox asks 'Can Paris fix its poop problem before the Olympics?'

The Olympic Games begin in Paris today, so I'm taking a break from both the Emmy nominees and working the eye of Project 2025, sometimes simultaneously, to feature Vox asking Can Paris fix its poop problem before the Olympics?

A key promise in Paris’s bid to host the 2024 Summer Olympics was that its famous river, the Seine, would be cleaned up in time to host open water swimming events: the triathlon, para triathlon, and marathon swimming. But swimming has been banned in the Seine for a century because the Paris sewer system is designed to dump wastewater into the river during heavy rain, when the sewers get overwhelmed by stormwater.

When that happens, levels of E. coli, a bacteria associated with fecal matter, spike in the river, making it too contaminated to swim in. In order to make good on its promise to clean the river, Paris officials took on a $1.5 billion USD infrastructure project that includes a massive underground tank and tunnel system meant to hold excess sewage during heavy rain and prevent further contamination of the Seine.

Water quality testing will be done daily ahead of the Olympic games this summer, and Paris officials are hopeful their ambitious plan to host swimming in the famously polluted river will succeed.
I hope the answer was yes.

I'm about to lecture on sewage treatment Monday night, so I'm considering showing this video to my environmental science class as a timely example of why the topic is relevant. The only concern I have is the BetterHelp promotion in the middle. Nearly every comment on the video complained about it, so I'll have to skip past it. I had no idea how many people dislike BetterHelp!

I might return to Olympics-related posts while the Games take place, but probably not tomorrow; I have Emmy nominations penciled in. Stay tuned.


  1. Trop de merde à Paris! How unfortunate! And there's very little time left now to do anything. If Hidalgo and Macron follow through on their grandstanding promises, the athletes will face a river contaminated with both poo and politicians. This Olympiad looks likely to be an embarrassment, but it will be worse if some of the athletes get sick.

    1. I'm glad I approved this, although I'm not sure why Blogger sent it to spam. Maybe because you wrote "Too much shit in Paris!" in French? That would imply a multilingual filter program. Blogger's been very aggressive about comment moderation lately, including disappearing old spam comments that I had allowed to stay. They're not coming back this time.

      As for the Olympics being contaminated with politicians, that's been a feature for longer than you and I have been alive. I just hope no athletes get sick from the poo, including the number twos people plan on depositing in protest.

    2. Thanks for linking to this entry at Link round-up for 28 July 2024 and welcome to all of you who came here from Infidel's link! Also, welcome to my international readers from Singapore, Hong Kong, Belgium, the United Kingdom, Italy, and the rest of the planet! I appreciate all of you, especially my readers from Singapore, who contributed about 3,560 page views this week, nearly twice as many as my American readers, and Hong Kong, who added about 1,100 page views more than half my U.S. readers.

  2. What happened to the comment I left on this post this morning? Did you delete it?

    1. Sorry, Blogger sent your first comment directly to the spam filter. I approved it as soon as I read this comment, so it's now visible.

    2. Thank you for clearing that up. I was a little concerned.

    3. You're welcome. I'm always happy to have you comment.
