Sunday, December 4, 2011

Two ways to buy gifts for otaku

CNN, which happens to be one of the sister networks to Cartoon Network, has some helpful advice in This is how to buy a gift for an otaku
So, the holidays are rolling around yet again, and you have an otaku in the family.

We can understand that you might feel a bit panicky about what to get them when it comes to the holidays. It's because you have no idea whose face is on those posters and the whole anime thing just seems like a universe unto itself.

How on earth do you delve into that? Or figure out what they like best? And even worse, what if you end up buying them something you think is cool, but they turn up their noses at?
There are all kinds of cute ideas here, including my favorite, the 2012 Studio Ghibli calendar, along with Neon Genesis Evangelion chopsticks, Domo-kun, and other geeky gifts. However, I have another suggestion--Wizzywig Collectibles. Of course, I'm biased, as I know the owners and my youngest daughter did an internship there, but I still recommend the store highly. You don't even have to go to Ann Arbor to buy anything from them. They do most of their business online, and most of the rest they do at conventions, although they won't be at any more conventions this year.

Yeah, I know this is a politics blog, but it's an economics blog as well, and this month's theme lends itself to my indulging my love of shopping. As much as I bag on Black Friday, I actually enjoy shopping, especially when it can be done sustainably.

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