Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Across the Globe explains 'How Detroit Went From Good to Bad to Good Again'

I promised "a post that will still be worth reading in June" yesterday, so I'm returning to the topic of Detroit's population increases for first time since 1957 by embedding Across the Globe explains How Detroit Went From Good to Bad to Good Again.

Did you know that when Detroit filed for bankruptcy in 2013, it was the largest city bankruptcy filing by debt ever, estimated at a massive $18 to $20 billion? Or that in the 1950s Detroit was the richest city in the U.S and maybe even the world according to some people?

Based on this, it probably won’t surprise you to learn that Detroit has faced a lot of challenges over the years, from the collapse of its automotive industry during the 2008 financial crisis to the city’s own bankruptcy filings in 2013. However, despite these negative events, Detroit wasn’t always a place of hardships and in fact, during its early years, Detroit was one of America’s most promising cities. What might be even more surprising is that recent events even suggest that things might be looking up for the city today.

But what’s the cause of all of the ups and downs Detroit has faced over the years? Well, today on Across the Globe we’re going to be looking at How Detroit Went From Good to Bad to Good Again.
That's a good summary of Detroit's history for good and ill and it accords well with what I know of the place having lived in Michigan for 35 years, so I don't mind sharing it with my readers.

That was the history of Detroit. CityGeek looks at the city today in Detroit Overview | An informative introduction to Detroit, Michigan.

Detroit is a fascinating American city! Although it's nicknamed Motor City, there is a lot more to Detroit than simply its industrial heritage. In this video I briefy cover Detroits history, population, skyline as well as a few things that make Detroit unique. Thanks for watching : Detroit Overview | An informative introduction to Detroit, Michigan.
Since CityGeek made this video last month, the Census Bureau released its population estimates and Detroit moved up from 29th last year to 26th in U.S. cities by population this year, passing Memphis, Louisville, and Portland. Things are looking up for the Motor City!

Stay tuned for another post that will be worth sharing next month tomorrow on Wayback Wednesday!

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