Sunday, May 19, 2024

'SNL' season finale opens with 'Summer of Trump'

Last night's season finale of Saturday Night Live began with Summer of Trump Cold Open.

Donald Trump (James Austin Johnson) holds a press conference outside of the Manhattan courthouse and introduces some of his supporters (Heidi Gardner, Devon Walker, Michael Longfellow).
Kristi Noem is still a running joke and Devon Walker's Tim Scott reappears after attending a Trump victory party after the South Carolina Republican Primary. Both are top prospects for Vice President, but only Scott attended Trump's trial. I guess South Dakota is too far away and being Governor is keeping her too busy, unlike the Senators and Representatives who took time off from their work in Washington, D.C., to support Trump and then came back and caused trouble, which was one of the top stories in Weekend Update: Trump vs. Biden Debate, Marjorie Taylor Greene and Jasmine Crockett Trade Insults.

Weekend Update anchors Colin Jost and Michael Che tackle the week's biggest news, like Steve Bannon calling himself the voice of MAGA.
To be fair, while Marjorie Taylor Greene went to New York last month, she didn't go this week and criticized her colleagues who did. Other than causing trouble to attract attention to herself, she's consistently inconsistent.

Weekend Update continued with Tom Brady Regrets Roast, $800 Pee-Stained Jeans.

Weekend Update anchors Colin Jost and Michael Che tackle the week's biggest news, like McDonald’s introducing a grandma inspired McFlurry.
Making fun of Tom Brady alone qualifies today's entry as the Sunday entertainment feature. So does the item about orcas, which reminds me of Blackfish, which was snubbed by the Oscars, but led to SeaWorld phasing out orca shows and orca breeding. I should write about orcas sinking yachts, but I'm saving that for another entry. In the meantime, I'm sharing another animal story, Two Cicadas on the Largest Cicada Emergence.

Two cicadas (Kenan Thompson, Marcello Hernández) stop by Weekend Update to discuss two separate groups of cicadas erupting from the soil this summer.
Would my readers believe I've never mentioned cicadas on this blog before today? I haven't and it's the kind of story I should have written about already. Thanks to SNL, I finally am.

Weekend Update concluded for the season with Colin Jost and Michael Che Swap Jokes for Season 49 Finale.

Weekend Update anchors Colin Jost and Michael Che tackle the week's biggest news and make each other read jokes they've never seen to close out season 49.
I knew this would be an exercise in bad taste and I wasn't disappointed. Also, I think Colin got the worst of it. Sorry, Colin.

Follow over the jump for three more clips worth sharing more than Colin and Michael pranking each other with Michael winning.

I resume with an ad parody that reminds me of Vox explains 'The lies that sell fast fashion', Fast Fashion Ad.

A commercial promotes a fast fashion company from China.
As I wrote most recently in 'SNL' covers protests, Kristi Noem, and hush money trial with Dua Lipa doing double duty, "This clip serves as another demonstration of the commercial...parodies being one of the best parts of 'SNL.' When they're on, they're on, and this one was ON!" I'm sure the comedy will get the message across better than Vox's earnest reporting.

Jake Gyllenhaal and musical guest Sabrina Carpenter both appeared in another ad parody, Scooby-Doo, that probably should have been more upfront about what was instead of saving it for a punchline.

Things go off the rails as Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy and Scooby-Doo (Jake Gyllenhaal, Sabrina Carpenter, Sarah Sherman, Mikey Day, Andrew Dismukes) attempt to solve a mystery.
I told you, commercial parody. At least the video description was truth in advertising.

I conclude with Jake Gyllenhaal Monologue.

Returning as a host for a third time, Jake Gyllenhaal talks about hosting the SNL Season 49 finale and starring in Road House with Conor McGregor.
Maya Rudolph's Mother's Day opening it's not, but it makes for a good season finale. I'll return with more in July or August when SNL's Emmy nominations are announced. In the meantime, stay tuned for World Bee Day when I will examine bumblebees.

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