Wednesday, May 22, 2024

John Oliver on duck stamps and octopuses for International Day for Biological Diversity

Happy International Day for Biological Diversity! No Prehistoric Planet today as season 3 has not been announced. Instead, I'm taking advantage of today being Wayback Wednesday by featuring two segments of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver featuring biodiversity from the back catalog beginning with Duck Stamps from 2021.

John Oliver dives into the tense and competitive world of duck stamps.
Art in the service of conservation — I approve!

Next, Octopuses, also from 2021.

John Oliver explains why octopuses are cool, great, and yes, called “octopuses”.
I haven't mentioned My Octopus Teacher outside of the linkspams to retrospectives of Crazy Eddie's Motie News top posts about entertainment for a while, so it's about time I wrote about it again by finally watching and embedding this video, which is just as hilarious as it is informative. John Oliver and his writers and editors should make more segments about animals beyond these two and "Air Bud," but that's a video for another day.

I told my readers "My readers will hear the melody of 'Nine To Five' later this week when I feature Randy Rainbow's latest" in the middle of Marching music for the Kentucky and Oregon primaries — Oregon Crusaders and marching bands. That's next, so stay tuned.

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