Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Meyers and Noah take closer looks at Bolton book and Parnas tape, the plot twists of Episode 4, Season 4 of 'The Worst Wing'

It's time to contine my coverage of the impeachment story arc of "The Worst Wing," which I resumed with Samantha Bee on the first week of Trump's impeachment trial on Sunday.  Today's comedic takes come from Seth Meyers and Trevor Noah, beginning with Meyers' Trump Issues Threats Amid Bolton Impeachment Bombshell: A Closer Look.

Seth takes a closer look at the president and his goons threatening everyone from sitting congressmen to ambassadors as new evidence emerges in his impeachment trial.
Not one, but two plot twists in this week's episode, Lev Parnas's tape and John Bolton's book, both of which, but especially Bolton's book, making the possibility of the Senate voting to call witnesses more likely.  That's one of the themes of Noah's Bolton & Parnas Throw a Wrench in Trump’s Defense.

Just as Trump’s defense team begins laying out their arguments in the impeachment trial, more damning accounts come out from John Bolton and Lev Parnas about the president’s actions.
Who needs a conspiracy theory about Obama and the British spying on you when all of your supposedly trusted aides and supporters are recording you?  As for Trump denying he knowing Parnas, I'm reminded of Sergeant Schultz from Hogan's Heroes.

Sure, you don't know him. *snerk*

I'll be covering more of "The Worst Week" later this week to see if these plot twists actually have a long-term effect on the story arc.  In the meantime, stay tuned for a driving update.

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