Friday, August 16, 2024

Randy Rainbow sings 'The Lawyer or the Conman' and 'KAMALA!'

Randy Rainbow hasn't posted a song since Look At Me, I'm MTG!* That was more than two months ago, and a lot has happened since then, so it was time he uploaded The Lawyer or the Conman.

Parody of “The Farmer and the Cowman” from Oklahoma! (Music by Richard Rodgers & Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II)
Randy made a deep cut into the musical theater repertoire for this parody. It's a great song that worked well to contrast Harris with convicted criminal Hoover Cleveland, but I'd never heard it before.

This isn't the first time Randy sang about Kamala Harris. That honor goes to KAMALA!

Harris did squash Pence like a bug, or rather a fly, at the debate.

Today is also National Rum Day and National Roller Coaster Day, so follow over the jump for videos celebrating both.

I begin with the latest from National Day Calendar, National Rum Day | August 16th.


My first reaction is "yo, ho, ho, and a bottle of rum," but I'll save that for Talk Like A Pirate Day.

I close with KENS 5 declaring It's National Roller Coaster Day at SeaWorld San Antonio!

Maggie Laughlin will be participating in a roller coaster challenge at SeaWorld!
Maggie is still having fun while working by riding the roller coasters as I type this.

That's a wrap for today's post. Stay tuned for World Honey Bee Day. Another biodiversity holiday!

*I'm reusing my footnote from that entry.
Randy's plug of Ground News reminds me of what I wrote in Future Proof examines 'The RISE and FALL of Malls in America,' a tale of the Retail Apocalypse, "the paid promotion by Ground News reminds me that I promised a comparison and contrast between AllSides and the Media Bias Chart three years ago." I still haven't done that, but it really is time. Maybe when I make my monthly page view goal and write evergreen entries near the end of the month.
I still haven't done it. I'll see how I feel next weekend.

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