Saturday, August 17, 2024

Detroit Hives for World Honey Bee Day on National Nonprofit Day

Happy World Honey Bee Day! Today is also National Nonprofit Day — a double celebration! The best way I found to combine the two is to feature nonprofits that benefit bees, particularly honeybees. I found one based in Detroit, Detroit Hives. Watch Lightbeam tell their story in Detroit Hives: Transforming Vacant Detroit Lots into Urban Bee Farms.

The work of Detroit Hives is simple. They are transforming vacant Detroit lots into urban bee farms. The mission is three-fold: Conserve the bees, educate others about how hard-working bees really are, and revitalize the community.

Not only are they rebuilding the bee community, but they are rebuilding the beautiful city.
Detroit Hives connected what they are doing to urban agriculture in Detroit, a major topic during the early years of this blog. It was about time I revisited it.

WDIV/Click On Detroit also told Detroit Hives' story in Detroit nonprofit organization educates students about importance of bees nearly five years ago.

This was much more about education and redevelopment than urban agriculture, but it's still a positive story about the Motor City.

I close with CBS Detroit's Science of Weather: Detroit Hives.

The Brightmoor location looks even more interesting than the one featured in the first two videos and I'm glad CBS Detroit used it to discuss the effect of weather on bees.

By the way, Detroit Hives has a Charity Navigator page, which means I can include the nonprofit among those I recommend to my students. That means that I learned something new and useful today, so today's a good day. It's always a good day when I learn something new.

That's a wrap for today's double celebration. Stay tuned for the Sunday entertainment feature.

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