Friday, July 5, 2024

MSNBC examines Project 2025, part 4

I closed Drink to the 4th of July with Defunctland on Disney's America and 'The Stars and Stripes Forever' by telling my readers, "Stay tuned as I share my 'catastrophic imagination' tomorrow with the part 4 that I promised in MSNBC examines Project 2025, part 3." That promise was "I'm an environmentalist who not only recycles and reuses ideas, I also conserve resources, so I'm saving two videos about Project 2025 and climate change for part 4." I'm postponing that to a possible part 5 because MSNBC has been very busy covering Project 2025 the first half of this week and I'm sharing those reports today, beginning with Chris Hayes talking about Project 2025’s ‘unhinged’ wish list: Criminalize porn, ban birth control.

Project 2025 is a “wish list of a bunch of fringe, far-right policy proposals that I think many voters would be really horrified to learn about,” says Chris Hayes. For example, the agenda says, "Pornography should be outlawed,” and “the people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned."
I think Hayes is taking Kevin Roberts' saying "the reason that so many anchors on MSNBC, for example, are losing their minds daily is because our side is winning" and "we're in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be" personally. That's an insult followed by a threat, which Hayes should take personally. I do and I think my readers should, too. The threat also forms part of DARVO, "Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender," which I described in Projection is the Right's favorite defense mechanism. That's a tactic of abusers, which means Roberts and the Heritage Foundation are telling on themselves.

Katie Phang sitting in for Ari Melber and her guests covered Roberts' remarks a couple of hours before Hayes in Alert: MAGA ringleader says quiet part out loud in chilling 'accidental confession' on Project 2025.

MSNBC’s Katie Phang reports on the fallout from The Supreme Court’s decision to vastly expand the powers of the president. MSNBC’s Jason Johnson and NYU’s Ruth Ben-Ghiat join.
I'm being a good environmentalist by reusing what I last wrote in MSNBC examines Project 2025, part 1 to begin my reaction to Ruth Ben-Ghiat.
Speaking of zombie laws and the Heritage Foundation, listening to Olivia Troye's horrified reaction to what it has become reminded me of what I wrote yesterday about the GOP being undead.
I'm recycling what I wrote in National Review ironically reveals another deep truth about the current GOP to begin my reaction.
As I tell my liberal friends who keep thinking that the GOP should be dead by now, the GOP as a traditional party engaged in electoral politics is already dead. What it is now, as described by "EscapefromWisconsin" over at the Hipcrime Vocab, is an authoritarian movement. That makes it an undead party in a democratic system. As Bela Lugosi's Dracula said in the eponymous movie, "There are far worse things awaiting Man than Death." Yeah, and one of them has happened to the GOP.
That was a dozen years ago. Back then, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan weren't the candidates to realize that movement's ambitions; they were still conventional conservative candidates contesting for power in a democracy. The condition of the GOP has become even more obvious since then with the rise of Hoover Cleveland, who is the right candidate to fulfill the current party's dictatorial desires. As I wrote nearly three years ago, "I had no idea how right I was then and now I wish I hadn't been. Break out the garlic."
They're no longer hiding it. Also, Molly Jong-Fast's comments about how these are now mainstream GOP views demonstrates that the far right realized what a missed opportunity Trump's first term was and now they aren't going to miss their second chance. Yikes!
Now Ben-Ghiat's Tweet, which Phang mentioned but didn't have to display when she said the words onscreen.

The words behind "Show More" are "their coup. Classic intimidation tactic: submit or else."  Don't submit.

That threat is made worse by the Supreme Court's immunity ruling, which gives convicted criminal Hoover Cleveland the ability to commit crimes in an official capacity with impunity. That's what alarms Jason Johnson and me, too.

It also alarms Joy Reid and her guest Sherrilyn Ifill, who said ‘Our country will suffer’: ‘King Trump' and Project 2025’s promise of violence.

The fallout from the Supreme Court’s decision on Donald Trump’s presidential immunity continues to unfold as the future of democracy remains uncertain. Sherrilyn Ifill, Endowed Chair in Civil Rights at Howard University, joins Joy Reid to warn voters.
As a reminder to my readers of how the U.S. will suffer, here is the graphic listing Project 2025's goals.

Again, yikes!

I might return with Part 5 tomorrow. Stay tuned.

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