Wednesday, September 18, 2024

CityNerd responds to comments on his Project 2025 video

I wrote "I'll get to CityNerd and his thoughts about urbanism some other time" yesterday. Today is as good a time as any, so I'm revisiting CityNerd explaining 'What Project 2025 Means for Our Cities' can drive one to drink. Watch [CityNerd] Eviscerate Project 2025 Apologists for Sport. Time to work the eye again!

I got a record number of comments on my recent video on what Project 2025 means for cities and transportation, and a shocking number of them were abjectly stupid. Let's review.
Reading the pro-Project 2025 comments reminded me that Grammarly found that Trump's supporters made the most writing mistakes of any candidate's in 2015, "with Trump's fans making exactly twice as many errors than Clinton's, more than thrice those of Sanders, and quadruple those of Chafee." That observation about their style hasn't changed. As for the substance of their comments, their answer to "Who you gonna believe, [Trump] or your own eyes?" is definitely Trump, who is doing his best Sergeant Schultz impression about Project 2025. That has changed for the worse during the past nine years.

Seeing Ray "CityNerd" Delahanty's advice to check voter registrations and register if one hasn't already also reminded me that yesterday was National Voter Registration Day, an event I've been supporting since I was a director for the Coffee Party. Consequently, I second CityNerd's suggestion!

That's a wrap for today's post. Stay tuned for Talk Like A Pirate Day!

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