Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Colbert, Meyers, and Kimmel return to take closer looks at the presidential campaigns

I haven't featured the late night talk show hosts since Closer looks at the DNC from Stewart, Colbert, and Meyers nearly two weeks ago. That's because I had changed over to posts I could share this week because I had made my page view goal for August and the shows weren't producing new content anyway. I guess The Late Show and The Daily Show needed the week to move from Chicago back to New York, then everyone took the week leading up to Labor Day off. It's a new month, so it's time to resume topical posts and nearly all the talk shows resumed releasing new shows last night. I begin with Colbert's monologue, Harris's Momentum Dominates The News | Trump's Crimes At Arlington Cemetery | RFK Jr. & The Whale.

VP Kamala Harris is leading in national polls, her opponent Donald Trump brushed aside federal law and Army personnel for his photo opp at Arlington National Cemetery, and we're learning of another bizarre animal-related scandal involving former presidential candidate RFK Jr.
Last week was really eventful and Colbert was just catching up. Speaking of which, I was missing his enthusiastic Chicago audience and I suspect he was, too, until his jokes finally starting landing. Welcome back, Stephen!

Seth Meyers didn't have to come back from Chicago — he was in New York during the DNC — but he took last week off, too. He was busy just catching up to convicted criminal's misdeeds last week in Declining Trump Rambles Incoherently About Bacon, Wind and Body Parts: A Closer Look.

Seth takes a closer look at a series of major controversies and sagging poll numbers causing Trump to devolve in a way that's unusual, even for him.
Hoover Cleveland has just enough self-awareness to say "I meant to do that" about his rambling, calling it "the weave." Sure you did. Throwing in the English professors makes it sound like another one of his "sir" stories.
As for The Former Guy including the detail about people, particularly, "big, strong men," crying, I consider it a tell that he's BSing or lying (there is a difference, but both involve not telling the truth) right up with with them addressing him as "Sir." Not only that, but both also mark this as a story in service to his ego and image. Don't believe any story that contains either.
Same with "the weave."

Seth only had a week to catch up. Jimmy Kimmel has been on vacation for two months with guest hosts filling in, so he had even more material to cover in Jimmy Kimmel Recaps All the Crazy Stuff Donald Trump Did Over the Summer.

Jimmy makes his return after being away for the summer with his family. He talks about all of the news he missed this summer, the craziness that came out of Trump’s bigly mouth, his comments at “The Moms for Liberty” event over the weekend, new VP picks JD Vance and Tim Walz, the incredible twist that Netflix put on their hot dog eating contest this weekend, and all of our summer guest hosts rate their experience at the show on Yelp.
Welcome back, Jimmy. I missed you.

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