Thursday, March 13, 2025

Celebrating Purim and Holi in Israel

Happy Purim and Holi! After skipping both holidays last year, I've decided to celebrate both together and a bit early this year.* I begin with Hananyi Naftali presenting From Israel To India: Holi And Purim Celebrated As One Festival.

How Did Holi and Purim Become One Festival in Tel Aviv? An Indo-Israeli Cultural Marvel!
That explained more about the Israel-India relationship than the video I featured two years ago, including the two countries working together in space. That's something I didn't know before watching it, so I learned something new. It's always a good day when I learn something new.

Hananya had a partner in the video I featured two years ago, his wife India. She's the host of i24News English explaining Israel's CRAZIEST Festival (Purim).

Israel’s CRAZIEST festival is going on right now...It is called Purim. Come and see what this day of fun and celebration looks like here in the Holy Land.
That was fun, but I'm not done with India. She's also the host of The connection between Purim and Holi, also from i24News English.

That concludes today's double celebration. Happy Holi and Purim!

*That's because both fall on Pi Day, which I've been observing here since 2012. Priorities. Also, stay tuned for Pi Day, along with International Day of Mathematics and Science Education Day!

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