In the spirit of ABC News panel on presidential debates, here's another press release about a campus event about elections I included in the tip jar of Overnight News Digest: Science Saturday (2012 Nobel Prizes edition).
University of Wisconsin, Madison: Rock the Vote returns to the campus area on Oct. 16
By Liz Beyler
October 10, 2012
Rock the Vote, its colorfully wrapped bus and its message of voter involvement are heading to the campus area for an outdoor event on Tuesday, Oct. 16.Rock the Vote has been busy this year. They showed up where I teach the first week of this month, right before Michigan's voter registration deadline. Unfortunately, I was in office hours and missed their visit. Too bad. I heard it was fun. May the Badgers have at least as good a time and may Rock the Vote register a lot of students and convince them to vote.
It will take place where the State Street Mall meets the north end of the East Campus Mall, entirely on city property. The event runs from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
This will be the third time that Rock the Vote has visited UW-Madison in a presidential election year in an effort to get students to register to vote and to cast their ballots.
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