Monday, February 21, 2022

National Day Calendar and KUSA explain Presidents Day

Happy Presidents Day! I'm going to play it straight today with two short videos about the significance and history of the holiday, beginning with National Day Calendar's Presidents Day the Third Monday In February.

Across the country, most Americans know the day as Presidents Day. More and more of the population celebrates the day to honor all of the past United States Presidents who have served the country. Throughout the country, organizations and communities celebrate the day with public ceremonies.
The website has more.
On the third Monday in February, the United States celebrates the federal holiday known as Presidents Day. The day takes place during the birth month of the country’s two most prominent presidents, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. While the day once only honored President George Washington on his birthday, February 22nd, the day now never lands on a single president’s birthday.
KUSA, 9News in Denver, Colorado, took a different tack in The history behind Presidents Day.

While some states still view the holiday as specific to George Washington, Presidents Day is more commonly seen as a celebration of all U.S. presidents.
That concludes today's history lesson about the holiday. Stay tuned for "an update to Western drought likely worst in a millennium and may be the beginning of 'aridification'...unless Russia invades Ukraine in the meantime" that I originally promised for today at the end of One foot sea level rise by 2050 according to U.S. government study.

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