As I wrote yesterday, "Stay tuned for stats!"
As of 11:59 PM EDT March 20, 2024, this blog had a lifetime total of 4,463,208 page views, 5,798 total posts, and 4,057 comments. Minus the 3,821,974 page views, 5,418 total posts, and 3,979 comments as of just before March 20, 2023, that means this blog earned 641,234 page views and 78 published comments on 380 posts during the 366 days of the 13th year of Crazy Eddie's Motie News. My calculated page views are close to the ~640,000 page views Blogger's counter showed during the past twelve months, which I think covered April 1, 2023 to March 20, 2024, but wildly off from the 199 comments it counted during the same period. Blogger aggressively threw a lot of comments into the spam filter beginning about February 2023, including some that were not spam and which I had to approve to display again, which would explain the more than 100 comment difference. Blogger also aggressively held a lot of comments in the spam filter and never published them. That's O.K. I don't miss the spam.
I also don't miss the anxiety I was feeling when I wrote last year's post. This past year's 641,234 page views beats the year before's 419,300 page views on 379 posts between March 21, 2022 and March 20, 2023. It's also more than the 532,981 page views the blog earned between March 21, 2021 and March 20, 2022. Had I actually followed through on raising my page view goal to 25,000 per 29 days, which translates to 862 page views per day, I would have easily exceeded the 315,517 page view goal for the 366 days of the blogging year. Yay!
I'm also no longer working harder for fewer page views, as the blog earned 1,687.46 page views per post and 1,752.01 page views per day. That's much better than the 1,106.33 page views per post and 1,148.77 page views per day last year and the 1,452.26 page views per post and 1,460.22 page views per day the year before that. Whew. Still, I'm not tempted to increase my page view goals this coming year.
While the raw number of comments, including spam never released from the spam filter, increased from 168 to 199, the published comments remaining at the end of the blogging year decreased from 122 to 78. Since I don't have comment goals, I'm not concerned. I'd prefer fewer quality comments than a lot of spam.
As for my commenters who aren't spammers, I'd like to thank them, beginning with continuing commenters Infidel753, Nebris, the first commenter on my blog, Friend of the Court, and best man at my first wedding Narb Xorbian. Keep up the good work! I also want to thank H-bob, tronvillain, August Johnson, Noah, Marc McKenzie, Realityhold, Steve in Manhattan, and my student Ecogranite for making their first posts here. Unfortunately, I seem to have lost longtime commenters Paul W. and Sarnia Sam, while last year's first-time commenters Powers, Sicko Ricko, Expat, verbum, Buzzcook, Bruce.desertrat, and emjayjay didn't return. Come back, I miss you!
Follow over the jump for the rest of the analysis.

The top two referring sites remained the same as last year, despite decreasing total numbers. All variations of Facebook contributed 28,702 page views, which is still a lot less than last year's 47,847, and even less than 83,737 the year before. I attribute the bulk of those from promoting my posts at the Coffee Party USA Facebook page and the Crazy Eddie's Motie News page (if you're on Facebook, please like the page!). Google search provided 7,655 page views, a fourth consecutive year of decline. Infidel753 jumped from fifth to third with 1,767 people coming here from his blog. This was an increase from last year's 1,443, the first source to provide more page views this blogging year. Thanks, Infidel, for linking to me in your Sunday blog roundups and maintaining the blog on your blogroll! X, the site formerly known as Twitter, fell to fourth with 1,748, a third consecutive year of decline from last year's 2,172 page referrals and the previous year's 3,327 link clicks. No More Mister Nice Blog continued rising in the rankings from sixth to fifth, referring 1,608 readers, an increase from last year's 1,334 page views — all that from Steve M. keeping my blog on his blogroll. Thanks, Steve! Crooks and Liars rose from ninth to sixth with 1,074 referrals, an increase from last year's 600. Thanks to Tengrain, Driftglass, and Steve in Manhattan for linking to my blog! Bing stayed in seventh at 445 and Pinterest remained in eighth with 410, although both yielded fewer page views than the year before at 687 and 643, respectively. I couldn't find a record of Yandex as a referrer the past three years, so welcome to ninth place with 222 page views. Finally, Blogger search inside Crazy Eddie's Motie News provided 208 page views, falling from last year's 1,822 and fourth to tenth. That was mostly because of Russians trying to do something on the blog one day. Whatever they were attempting, I'm glad they're doing less of it this year. Outside the top ten, K-Dog's Chasing The Squirrel blog referred 124 page views to me in one day, Duck Duck Go 35, and Threads, where I started posting a few months ago, 30. I'm looking forward to Threads being a significant source of readers in the future.
Now for last year's top search terms. Number one was "is nicotine a poisonous substance" with 160 results (Yes, it is). "CNBC news economy" came in second with 130. I'm not surprised, considering how much I use CNBC videos in economic news entries. Variations on "All the Beauty and the Bloodshed" combined for 116 to reach third, way up from last year's eighth with six results. I'm even more glad I blogged about that documentary. "Scam verification site" in Korean came in fourth with 101 results. That one puzzles me, but it's in good company. "Dancing German witches for Halloween" waltzed into fifth place with 33 results. I'm not surprised. On the other hand, I don't know why people were searching for "All about my mother," but it got 24 results for sixth. "Bad Education" returned in seventh with 18 results. "To return" ranked eighth with 15. "Reacher assistir" was ninth with ten, and "Past Lives" rounded out the top ten with six.

Finally, it's time to review the top countries providing readers to my blog. I begin with the annual statistics.
Singapore jumped from completely outside the top twenty to top the charts with 334,804 page views. Thanks to them, I was able to pass my page view goals. Last year's number one, the United States, fell to second with 192,261 page views. Hong Kong rocketed from fourteenth to third with ~19,700 page views (it's too small for me to get the exact numbers on the map). Germany inched up from fifth to fourth with 12,925. Canada fell from fourth to fifth with 8699. The Netherlands stayed in sixth at 6701. The United Kingdom climbed from eighth to seventh with 6309. France fell from second to eighth with 5,434. Finland entered the top twenty at ninth after being absent last year with 4,777. Sweden, sinking from third to tenth with 3,514, rounded out the top ten.
Israel entered the top twenty with 2,822 at eleventh. Ukraine fell from ninth to 12th with 2,652. Ireland soared from 16th to 13th with 1,445. Indonesia returned to the top twenty with 953 at 14th. India stayed at 15th with 882. Russia plummeted nine places from seventh to 16th with 794, Taiwan tumbled from tenth to 17th with 554. Italy returned to the top twenty with 445 in 18th place. The Bahamas entered the top twenty for the first time with 377. Once again, Iran came in 20th with 339.
South Korea, Australia, Belgium, Japan, and Saudi Arabia all fell out of the top twenty to become part of the mass of other countries that combined for ~34,200 page views. Maybe I'll see some of these countries in next year's statistics.

ETA: Now for the all-time readership numbers by country. The United States has contributed 2,715,158 page views to remain number one all-time. Singapore soared from seventeenth to second all-time with 339,181 total page views thanks to it being the number one country last year. Congratulations and welcome to readers from the city-state! Stick around! France fell to third with 325,864 total page views. Sweden slipped to fourth with 136,567. Canada cascaded to fifth with 118,373. Germany managed to remain in sixth with 114,607 total page views by leapfrogging over Russia, which rapelled to seventh with 108,597. The United Kingdom edged down to eighth with 61,485. Despite making the 2023-2024 top nineteen, Italy inched down to ninth place with 36,316. Ukraine tumbled to tenth at 32,819, noticeably more than last year's 29,017. The Netherlands dropped out of the top ten to eleventh with 24,616. Hong Kong hopped from eighteenth to twelfth with 24,301 total page views. Unknown Region remained ahead of China with 16,786, which is identical to last year. Unknown Region is still not being credited with any more page views. Good. China remained behind Unknown Region at thirteenth among actual countries with page views increasing slightly from 13,497 during 2022-2023 to 13,647 during 2023-2024.
Australia fell two places to fourteenth among actual countries as it lost page views from last year's 11,533 to 11,475. At this rate it will never pass China. United Arab Emirates lost nine page views from 7,474 to 7,465 and dropped two spots to fifteenth. Indonesia and Japan swapped places again while both dropped, Indonesia to sixteenth with 6,295 and Japan to seventeenth with 5,709. Poland plummeted from fourteenth to eighteenth one page view behind Japan with 5,708. The map shows Finland in nineteenth, while Brazil fell out of the overall top twenty. Including Finland and Brazil, there have been 358,243 page views from all the other countries of the world with readers of my blog over the past thirteen years.
Previous posts in this series Previous statistics posts
- Stats for the 12th year of Crazy Eddie's Motie News on Throwback Thursday
- Statistics for the eleventh year of Crazy Eddie's Motie News
- Statistics for the tenth year of Crazy Eddie's Motie News
- Statistics for the ninth year of Crazy Eddie's Motie News
- Statistics for the eighth year of Crazy Eddie's Motie News
- Stats for the seventh year of Crazy Eddie's Motie News
- Statistics for the sixth year of Crazy Eddie's Motie News
- Statistics for the fifth year of Crazy Eddie's Motie News
- Statistics for the fourth year of Crazy Eddie's Motie News
- Statistics for the third year of Crazy Eddie's Motie News
- Second Year of Crazy Eddie's Motie News: Statistics
- The first year of Crazy Eddie's Motie News: Part 1 of several
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