Happy International Women's Day! India's WION (World Is One News) uploaded a series of videos for today, beginning with International women's day 2024: Inventions by women that the world can't live without.
Women have always been skilled and inventive; they have just faced numerous obstacles in getting recognition and credit for their creations. Here is our tribute to some women who were not afraid to stand up for the respect and credit they rightfully deserved.I knew that Hedy Lamarr invented the technology that made cell phones possible, but I didn't know that it also made Wi-Fi and Bluetooth possible as well. I did not know about the rest, although that photo of Margaret Wilcox looks much too recent for an inventor active in the 1890s. Still, it's the one that I find when I search for her name. There may be an attribution issue in the history of her portrait, but I'm not going to look for it today. Just the same, I learned a lot just from this video, and it's always a good day when I learn something new.
Follow over the jump for the rest of WION's videos for International Women's Day, which do double duty for Women's History Month.
WION's next video for today is Women's Day 2024: Tribute to female directors and their trailblazing work.
This women's day here are some female directors you need to keep an eye out for, Patty Jenkins who is most popularly known as the filmmaker who directed 'Wonder Woman,' Ava Duvernay who made history with 2018 film 'A Wrinkle in Time,' and much more!Beginning the segment by mentioning Greta Gerwig reminds me that tomorrow is National Barbie Day, so I plan on celebrating by examining Barbie's Oscar nominations and awards show wins, including at the Grammies. Stay tuned.
In the meantime, watch the rest of WION's videos, which resumed with International Women's Day 2024: Women and their language of leisure.
Have you ever wondered what women do when they are not performing a role?I didn't know what to expect from this video, but I can say I was pleasantly surprised at how thought-provoking I found it. What do my readers think of it?
How do they enjoy their free time? Most importantly, do women have as much free time as men do, to sit back and relax? These are some of the questions Surabhi Yadav is trying to explore through her Instagram page called – Project Basanti: Women at Leisure. The social media page is a repository of pictures and videos that exhibit and celebrate the fleetingly unguarded moments of women’s leisure. Women taking time out to lean back and do what they want to do – is the true test of equality and success. Watch our special Women’s Day story and let us know in the comments below - what leisure means to you and what you enjoy doing when you truly are at leisure.
I conclude with Women's Day 2024: Honouring trailblazing women architects | Eulie Chaudhary's enduring legacy.
International Women's Day Special: WION tells you about women who have proven to be pillars in India's architectural prowess these brilliant architects who are Visionaries in building India's future.I haven't written about human architecture since CNBC explains the problems of suburbia and their possible solutions nearly two full years ago. No surprise, I mentioned James Howard Kunstler in that entry. He has an "Eyesore of the Month" feature on his blog about ugly and/or unsustainable buildings. I stopped reading that when I stopped reading his blog entries in November 2019, so I'm not surprised that I have linked him and architecture here and ceased writing about both about the same time. It's about time I found a new reason to discuss the subject beyond him and dead malls. Thank you, WION!
WION's Nikita Singh brings you this special segment on Women's day 2024. Watch to know more!
That's it for today's celebration. As I wrote above, stay tuned for the Oscar coverage I promised at the end of '20 Days in Mariupol' and 'The ABCs of Book Banning' leading documentary nominees according to Gold Derby for Barbie Day!
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