Instead of posting about something collapse-and-decline-related for my Sunday entertainment entry, I'm going to go with this month's Joy theme and post about marching band, something that brought me joy. Here are three videos and a news item from the tip jar for last week's Overnight News Digest: Science Saturday (Orion test flight next week) on Daily Kos about marching band.
First, Rutgers Marching Band Takes You Behind the Scenes
Can you imagine performing a new show in front of over 50,000 fans with just six hours of practice? That's what the Rutgers University Marching Band does for each home football game. Watch our video to see how 250 people become one at halftime on Saturdays.The answer is that I don't have to imagine. I know what it's like. I did that for four years while I was in the marching band at UCLA.
Follow over the jump for comparable videos from the University of Virginia and Virginia Tech.
The University of Virginia asks What is your Profession? Cavalier Marching Band.
For the Cavalier Marching Band, preparing for shows can be intense. It takes a whole lot of hard work. But in the end, it’s worth it, because there’s nothing like walking out of the tunnels at Scott Stadium and performing to 60,000 screaming fans. Strap in. This might get loud.Last I saw of the Wahoo Band, they were a scatter band. This version looks more like a corps-style band. I wonder what caused them to change and when.
Finally, something a bit different from Virginia Tech: Pop Song Lyrics as Read by the Voice of The Marching Virginians - Virginia Tech.
Paul A. “Tony” Distler has been "The Voice" of the Marching Virginians for 40 years. That ends Friday, Nov. 28, 2014, when “The Voice” will call his last halftime show and turn off the microphoneLongtime voice of the Marching Virginians to call his last halftime show
BLACKSBURG, Va., Nov. 24, 2014 – If you've been to a Virginia Tech football game in the last 40 years, you've heard Paul A. “Tony” Distler’s distinctive and clear baritone boom over the public address system during the Marching Virginians' halftime show.And that's it for the Sunday entertainment entry. Stay tuned for something more serious. What, I don't know yet.
This Friday, Nov. 28, will be your last chance. “The Voice” is turning off the microphone after the last home game of the season against Virginia.
“Tony has been tireless and selfless in his support of the Marching Virginians. His role as ‘The Voice’ doesn't begin to define his contributions since 1974,” said David McKee, director of the Marching Virginians.
Distler’s advice to band members has been invaluable over the years, McKee said. “Whether learning to really sell a dance or enunciating the signature audible of ‘H-O-K-I-E-S ... Hokies,’ Tony’s words of wisdom on topics like showmanship, embracing the audience, and professionalism have shaped the band for years to come,” he said.
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