Friday, April 14, 2023

PBS Terra asks 'Can Green Energy Make The Grid SAFER?'

Happy Flashback Friday during Earth Month! The themes of today's retrospective are climate change, energy, infrastructure, and technologyconnections! Before I review last year's top posts on those topics, I'm sharing a video that covers all of them, PBS Terra asking Can Green Energy Make The Grid SAFER?

The climate community has gotten pretty loud about telling us that we need to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050, which is fast approaching. And in order to do this, we’re going to need to electrify pretty much everything and green the grid. But this raises some pretty big questions. What will this clean, green future look like? Can we pull off this massive transition in time before some seriously dire tipping points are reached? And will our power grid even be able to handle it, considering how much more extreme our weather is getting due to climate change?

In this episode of Weathered, we speak to four different experts about this topic and dig as deep as we can to answer the question posed by the title: is the clean energy transition even possible with all this weather?
Last year, PBS Terra asked 'Could The Next Blackout Be More Deadly Than Katrina?' That was the DOOM video. This year, the channel offered some hope. I'm glad to share it, especially given all of the scary climate and energy news that my readers found compelling during the twelfth year of this blog. Follow over the jump for those stories and how they got their readers.

(x/10). One foot sea level rise by 2050 according to U.S. government study from February 19, 2022 flew under my radar most of last year. It didn't make the most read post list during either February or March 2022, but it accumulated page views during eleven months of 2022 through web search, ending the calendar year with 2,608 raw page views, ranking seventh among entries posted during 2022 and eight overall during the calendar year. ~2,090 fell during the twelfth year of Crazy Eddie's Motie News, placing it tenth overall by raw page views.

The post had ~2,620 total all-time by March 20, 2023. It will probably not repeat next year.


(x/14). I had an eventful three days and two nights because of a severe storm knocking out my power from July 9, 2021 repeated among the top posts about climate, weather, and energy. It earned ~2,020 raw page views during the 2022-2023 blogging year from web search to rank 14th while never making any monthly most read list last year.

The post accumulated ~4,920 raw page views all-time by March 20, 2023. This post might return next year, but I'm not holding my breath.

PBS Terra reveals 'the Safest Place to Live as the Climate Changes' from March 30, 2022 was the most read climate entry posted during the 2022-2023 blogging year. I shared the link at the Coffee Party USA Facebook page during April 2022, helping it attract 586 default and 746 raw page views, ranking it seventh by both measures for the month. The post ended the 2022-2023 blogging year with 1,078 raw page views to rank 20th among entries posted during the blogging year and 29th overall by raw page views.

PBS Terra explains 'Here's EXACTLY What to Do When the Next Megaquake Hits: Cascadia Subduction Zone' from October 19, 2022 earned 5 comments from Infidel753, SickoRicko, and me to tie for the second most comments on a post during the twelfth year of this blog. Kevin G. also tweeted the link on October 26, 2022. My retweet on November 8, 2022 earned 305 impressions (most for November 2022) and 3 total engagements, all likes (tied for most during Noevember 2022). Kevin's original tweet earned a like, a retweet, and 1 reply in 1 thread.

The most seen tweet of a link to a post from January 2023 was PBS Terra wonders 'Historic Megaflood Reveals Major Risk... in the United States' Driest Region?' It earned 256 impressions but no engagements.

Vox asks and answers 'Who's really using up the water in the American West?' was one of two pins from the current month and blogging year saved during September 2022.

PBS Terra shows how past redlining leads to heat wave deaths in the present and future was the only pin saved for the current blogging year and month during August 2022.

That concludes today's retrospective. Stay tuned for Tax Day tomorrow.

Previous posts in this series Previous retrospectives about top climate posts Previous retrospectives about the back catalog. Previous retrospectives about comments and likes. Previous retrospectives about Pinterest Previous retrospectives about Twitter


  1. The video makes some interesting points. I've long thought that decentralized power generation is better because it's safer, not only from weather disasters but from terrorism (we've already seen a few attacks on electrical grids in the last couple of months).

    The US is likely to lag other developed countries in this transition because the Republicans never want to spend money on anything, and the loonier ones are now irrevocably committed to pretending to believe that anthropogenic climate change isn't happening.

    PBS really needs to make sure its presenters can pronounce "nuclear" correctly. Saying "nucular" is a minor error, but being careless about one thing inevitably makes discerning viewers wonder if they're also being careless about more substantive things.

    1. I agree, terrorism is a concern, which I wrote about nine years ago in The grid needs to be protected against physical attack, too. It has become worse lately, so I should probably return to the topic.

      I used to be a Republican, and they will spend money on the military. The irony is that the military has become green. There is even an Army recruiting poster outside one of my classrooms for Earth Day saying "Sustain the mission. Secure the future." That sentiment might have to spread out from the armed forces to civilian life under Republican rule.

      I noticed that, too. I hope it's just a southern thing, as Maiya May is from Atlanta.

      Finally, thank you for linking to this entry at Link round-up for 16 April 2023. Welcome to your readers and the Singaporean, Isaeli, Dutch, and other international visitors! I appreciate all of you!
