Monday, February 1, 2016

Marching music for the Iowa Caucuses: Colts and Hawkeyes

I'll have more to say about the Iowa Caucus results later.  Right now, I'm just going to play some music.  First, 2013 Colts from Dubuque, Iowa, playing "Field of Dreams," an appropriate choice for tonight's festivities.

If the candidates build it, will the voters come?

Next, the University of Iowa Hawkeyes at this year's Rose Parade.

The University of Iowa Hawkeye Marching Band performing at the at the 127th Pasadena Tournament of Roses Parade on Friday, January 1st 2016.
If the voters come, will they march into the caucus sites?

Stay tuned for the answers tomorrow, along with the answer to the question of Groundhog Day, will the woodchuck see his shadow?

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