Happy National Fossil Day! I begin with National Day Calendar's video about National Fossil Day.
And now the text description from National Day Calendar's website.
National Fossil Day promotes the scientific and educational value fossils present to us every day. Not only that, they’re just cool! The observance takes place annually on Wednesday of the second full week in October.I hadn't realized my former employer the National Park Service was one of the organizers of the day until I started doing the research for today's entry. It's always a good day when I learn something new.
Visit a local museum, or do some research about fossils. Attend an event or sponsor one. While you’re out discovering the world of fossils, tell us about your favorites. Let us know by using #NationalFossilDay to post on social media.
On October 13, 2010, the first National Fossil Day launched across the country during Earth Science Week to celebrate the educational and scientific value fossils provide. The National Park Service and over 270 partners hosted events across the United States, allowing the public opportunities to learn more about the world’s fossil heritage. The partners include museums, institutions, organizations, and many other groups.
Each year the sponsors create a new National Fossil Day logo depicting a prehistoric organism. The logos promote National Fossil Day and provide educational opportunities to share more information about fossils. The original National Fossil Day logo was created in 2010 and featured a fossil mammal known as the titanothere.
Speaking of learning something new, I learned a lot, and not necessarily about paleontology, when I watched Fossil Feud: Eons vs SciShow!
You’ve heard of Family Feud… but how about Fossil Feud? Join us for a National Fossil Day livestream to watch the Eons team compete against some of our friends from SciShow! Gabriel-Philip Santos from the Alf Museum of Paleontology will be our host.My comment on this video was "Too bad Hank Green wasn't here. He could have played for either team!"
Kallie Moore, Blake de Pastino and Michelle Barboza-Ramirez will be up against SciShow's Sarah Suta, Stefan Chin, and Savannah Geary. Let’s see which team will be crowned the Champions of Deep Time!
I could continue observing holidays with U.S. Navy's birthday tomorrow, but I think I'll return to current events. Stay tuned.
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