Stay tuned for the return of more timely topics, like Donald Trump's trial in New York. I've been ignoring that and postponing my retrospective of the most read entries featuring late night talk show hosts. It's time to cover both.That was supposed to happen Tuesday, but I didn't finish grading final exams until dinner time, so I didn't have time then. Better late than never. I begin with Seth Meyers recapping last week's trial highlights in Pecker Gives Damning Testimony in Trump Trial; Noem Faces Backlash for Killing Dog: A Closer Look.
Seth takes a closer look at the prosecution's first witness in Trump's hush money trial confirming in damning testimony that the payments were part of a criminal conspiracy to defraud the electorate and help Trump during the 2016 campaign.Trump falling asleep in court after years of calling President Biden "Sleepy Joe" and calling news he doesn't like "fake news" after years of suppressing stories he doesn't like isn't just hypocrisy, it's projection. As I first wrote twelve years ago, Projection is the Right's favorite defense mechanism and Trump is demonstrating it over and over again.
Seth returned last night with Sleepy Trump's Lawyers Can't Keep Him Awake in Court; Trump's Chilling Time Interview: A Closer Look.
Seth takes a closer look at Trump's lackeys in right-wing media making him seem like a hero for falling asleep during his New York criminal trial.Fox News is living down to the nickname Faux Noise and Trump is exemplifying why I created the corn pone fascists label. Yikes!
Stephen Colbert emphasized the trial over other news in his monologue Tuesday night, Trump Judge: Jail May Be Necessary | Students Should Be Allowed To Protest | Blankenship For Senate.
The judge in Trump’s hush money trial threatened to jail the former president for violating his gag order, pro-Palestinian protests continue to ramp up on college campuses, and a Senate candidate from West Virginia is running some bizarre campaign ads.I'm with Stephen; Trump may not require being jailed for contempt to behave, but it would be nice for the rest of us.
Jimmy Kimmel made my point about Trump projecting explicit in Trump Embarrassed He Keeps Sleeping During Trial & Klan Mom Marjorie Taylor Greene vs Mike Johnson.
Today is the first day of May and once again our nation’s news media can’t believe it, according to a new study of American accents the most attractive one is the Southern accent, Marjorie Taylor Greene is furious because her plan to oust Mike Johnson as Speaker of the House has been foiled, Ted Cruz is co-sponsor of a bill that would make it harder for consumers to get a refund from airlines in the event of delay or cancellation, Naptain America got his day started by asking where Sleepy Joe is, Trump touched down in Waukesha this afternoon in his first big rally since being fined for contempt of court, Wisconsin also got a visit from the Pillow Fairy Mike Lindell, we reveal our new product the MAGA Blaster, and stoners try recite the Pledge of Allegiance."Naptain America" — snork! I like it! I'm getting tired of The Former Guy, which even Colbert seems to have stopped calling him.
That's it for today's installment of comedy about Trump's trial. Follow over the jump for the top posts during the 13th year of Crazy Eddie's Motie News featuring Stephen Colbert, Seth Meyers, and Jimmy Kimmel making jokes about politics.

I shared Colbert and Meyers return from a week off to take closer looks at the rally in Waco and waiting for an indictment from March 28, 2023 at the Citizen Connect/Coffee Party Facebook page, then Steve in Manhattan shared it in Mike's Blog Roundup at Crooks and Liars, helping this entry earn 436 default and 437 raw page views during the last week of March 2023 to rank sixth overall and fifth among entries posted that month. It lost most of its default page views, but continued gaining readers to end the blogging year with 521 raw page views, ranking it 15th among entries posted between March 21, 2023 and March 20, 2024 and 23rd overall.

I shared Fox and Dominion settle — silly to serious reactions from Colbert, CNN, and MSNBC from April 19, 2023 at the Citizen Connect/Coffee Party Facebook page, then Tengrain linked to it in Mike’s Blog Round-Up at Crooks and Liars. The two combined for 439 default and 455 raw page views during April 2023, ranking the entry third by the first measure and second by the second for the month. It earned 512 raw page views by March 20, 2024, tying it for 16th among entries posted during the blogging year and 24th overall. As the image above shows, it has continued to attract readers since.

I shared Colbert, Meyers, and AOC comment on Trump's arraignment from April 5, 2023 at the Coffee Party USA/Citizen Connect Facebook page. That along with web search helped it earn 385 default and 394 raw page views during April 2023 to rank fourth overall and third among entries posted during the month. The entry ended the blogging year with 456 raw page views, ranking it 23rd among entries posted during the 13th year of Crazy Eddie's Motie News and 32nd overall.

I shared Colbert's studio audience gave a standing ovation when told about Trump's indictment; Kimmel's was just as loud from March 31, 2023 at the Coffee Party USA/Citizen Connect Facebook page to begin April 2023. That helped it earn 366 default and 377 raw page views during the month to rank sixth overall during April 2023. Unlike most of the rest of the entries in today's retrospective, it gained default page views to end the blogging year with 377 default and 436 raw page views, ranking it 21st by the first measure and tie it for 24th among entries posted between March 21, 2023 and March 20, 2024 and 33rd overall during that time span.

My sharing Closer looks at Steve Scalise running for Speaker and George Santos indicted again from Colbert, Meyers, and Kimmel from October 12, 2023 at the Coffee Party USA/Citizen Connect Facebook page, followed by Tengrain sharing the link in Mike's Blog Round-Up at Crooks and Liars earned this post 353 default and 366 raw page views during October 2023, ranking this entry fourth among entries posted during the month and fifth overall web search since then raised the raw page views to 421 by the end of the blogging year, ranking it 29th among entries posted during the blogging year and 38th overall. As the graphic above shows, page views have continued to trickle in this year.

I shared Seth Meyers and Joy Reid take closer looks at Tucker Carlson leaving Fox News from April 25, 2023 at the Coffee Party USA/Citizen Connect Facebook page, helping it earn 358 default and 360 raw page views, ranking it seventh by the first measure and among entries posted during April 2023, ninth overall, by the second measure. It ended the blogging year with 409 raw page views, ranking it 34rd among entries posted between March 21, 2023 and March 20, 2024 and 43rd overall.
For completeness, I'm adding an entry I covered in Randy Rainbow asks 'HOW WILL YOU VOTE?' for Flashback Friday.

Placements get a little messier with Randy Rainbow sings about Trump's indictment while Seth Meyers takes a closer look posted on April 4, 2023. Sharing it at the Coffee Party USA/Citizen Connect Facebook page during April 2023 earned it 605 default and 614 raw page views to rank it first that month. It continued to bleed default views but gain raw views to end the blogging year with 538 default and 694 raw page views. Those placed it tenth overall according to the first measure, eighth among entries posted during the blogging year, but twelfth overall according to the latter metric. As I wrote, a little messy.That completes today's retrospective of posts featuring Colbert, Meyers, and Kimmel. I think it also completes the retrospectives of posts ranked by page views. Stay tuned to see if I continue this series tomorrow for Flashback Friday.
Previous posts in this series
- Company Man explains the song rights to 'Happy Birthday' for the 13th birthday of the blog
- Stats for the 13th year of Crazy Eddie's Motie News on Throwback Tuesday
- Randy Rainbow asks 'HOW WILL YOU VOTE?' for Flashback Friday
- 'Trump' hijacks the Resurrection to sell Bibles on 'SNL' for Easter
- IgNobel Prizes for April Fools Day, a holiday special
- My Saturn Awards votes vs. winners for Wayback 'Wednesday'
- John Oliver examines student loans for Wayback Wednesday
- PBS Voices explores 'The Evolution of Science Fiction' for Throwback Thursday
- 'Godzilla Minus One' wins two Critics Choice Super Awards plus an entertainment retrospective
- 'Bankrupt - Borders Book Store' by Bright Sun Films, a tale of the Retail Apocalypse for Wayback Wednesday
- CityNerd mocks 'Long Beach's Innovative Approach to Climate Change' for Throwback Thursday
- PBS Terra describes how 'This Winter Trend Is Overpowering Global Warming' for Flashback Friday
- 'Inside the Messy Battle for the Biggest Swing State of 2024' by The Wall Steet Journal for Wayback Wednesday
- Be Smart asks 'Can AI Help Us Talk to Whales?' for Throwback Thursday
- Trees vs. climate change for Arbor Day, a Flashback Friday holiday special
- 'New Zealand Girl Reacts to BOSTON CRUSADERS 2018 | S.O.S.' for a drum corps 'Mayday!' on Wayback Wednesday
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