So what is the NaBloPoMo theme of the month?
The monthly email promoted the theme by playing up the food angle.
Bite into a big juicy blog post this month and nourish your mind and soul with a delicious NaBloPoMo. BlogHer Food kicks off in Miami, Florida in the middle of this month, but online we're holding our own discussion on what we eat and why we eat it. Food provides nutrients, but it gives us so much more -- a connection to our personal history, a good mood, a bonding moment with friends.Who am I to refuse a transition served to me on a silver platter?
We're going to share recipes, give restaurant recommendations, and review cookbooks. And along the way, we'll also talk about other ways we nourish ourselves such as meditation or writing.
We hope you'll join along and sink your teeth into scrumptious thoughts. You can read more about the new NaBloPoMo theme on our opening post.
Yum. What makes you think "yum" when you see a cake in a bakery's glass case, or walk by the open back door of a restaurant kitchen and smell meat grilling, or taste that tomato sauce that has been bubbling on the stove all afternoon? Is it because you're hungry, or is it because food goes beyond fueling our body, speaking to our very soul? Food obviously nourishes us in the sense that it keeps us alive, but good food does so much more: it makes us feel happy, transports us to other countries, or gives us access to memories.A month of entries about food, recipes, and restaurants--how could I possibly resist? I already have labels for two of the three categories and really should have a label for the third, as I have enough posts to make it worthwhile. In fact, I could easily use some of the prompts, as those are good questions that already have health and science answers and could also have sustainability slants to them. Yeah, I'm game.
This month, we're going to be looking at food as nourishment and food as a harbinger of fun and creativity. We'll be recounting favourite recipes and restaurants. And we'll be looking at what else nourishes us: is it writing, religion, relationships?
Both the page at the site and the email invited readers by using the word "delicious." The email took the nice tack with "Hope you join along for May's NaBloPoMo because it's bound to be delicious." The site was more direct--"Sign up for May's NaBloPoMo and sink your teeth into some delicious blog posts." Either way, I signed up. It looks like a popular theme, as there are more than 30 people listed on the blogroll already.
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