Tuesday, August 11, 2015

WXYZ on Trump visiting Michigan

As if Donald Trump's possible problems with Michigan's sore loser law wasn't enough, The Penguin The Donald is visiting Michigan itself today.  As the man makes for great TV, just like he does great copy,* WXYZ has devoted a lot of air time to him and his candidacy yesterday and today.  The coverage began with INTERVIEW: Analyzing Donald Trump.

I made quite clear in WXYZ previews marijuana legalization for the 2016 ballot that I have little respect for Rocky Raczkowski, but I have to give him credit here about the eventual fate of Trump's campaign, although I think his prediction that Trump's supporters may end up voting for Ted Cruz strikes me as a bit of wishful thinking.  Yes, Cruz and Trump have the same anti-Establishment message, but those people could just as easily go to Ben Carson or Carly Fiorina, as Cruz.  As for the Kiska, that's a more reasonable suggestion, but I doubt reason has much to do with Trump's popularity.  Emotion drives it, and Scott Walker doesn't seem to generate much of that except among union members, who hate his guts.

Enough analysis.  Follow over the jump for two reports on today's visit to Birch Run, Michigan.

WXYZ interviewed residents of Birch Run yesterday in GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump to visit Birch Run; Residents bake cookies.

A Donald Trump cookie? That's what will greet the candidate when he visit's Birch Run, Michigan on Tuesday.
Yes, the logo on the cookie and at the head of this entry is a real thing, not a parody.  That written, I agree with the baker about what's inside the cookies.

This morning's report read Donald Trump in Birch Run Tuesday.

The report may not say so, but the Michigan Democratic Party is one of the groups organizing the protests of Trump.  The party staged one three years ago against Pete Hoekstra and Paul Ryan that I participated in and organized an even larger one against Chris Christie and Terri Lynn Land last year.  I'll be looking to see if today's protests are covered as well.

*Trump could run afoul of Michigan's sore loser law, the Examiner.com article I wrote Saturday, serves as an example.  So far, it has generated 2,400 page views and 23 comments.  That's probably the most page views any article of mine has received in three days and the most comments ever.  The incentives tell me to keep writing about Trump.  I might even compose an article about his visit today.

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