Wednesday, April 17, 2013

GooBing Detroit

In Arrival in Detroit: Wrong Turn Discovery, the video I included in I'm hosting a BlogTalkRadio program on Detroit tonight, Annabel Park and Eric Byler marveled at the desolation of the Detroit neighborhoods they drove through.  Near the end, Annabel suggested finding archival photos of the ruins they passed, particularly for the grander buildings.  While she probably had in mind images from 50 or more years ago, she can watch major changes happening during the past three years, thanks to street views on Google and Bing.

The blog GooBing Detroit on Tumblr is posting side-by-side comparisons of the same locations from the two search sites' street views showing the changes between Google's pictures from 2009 and Bing's from 2012.  WXYZ shows some of them in Street view maps show Detroit's past.

That was five days ago.  Since then, MLive has picked up the story in Detroit's encroaching blight as seen through Google and Bing maps.  That's a more pessimistic take than WXYZ's, as the TV station at least found some signs of improvement when they did their own comparisons.

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