I had such a good time putting together A conversation with The Archdruid for the Solstice that I decided to do it again on Christmas while I was in Chicago. It helped that John Michael Greer revisted the points in The Fate of Civil Religion that I excerpted in The Archdruid on Objectivism as civil antireligion, a comparison of Objectivism and Satanism.* This time, he made an explicit comparison between Objectivism and Satanism and pointed out the implications for the Republican Party. I couldn't resist, even on vacation.
Follow over the jump for the relevant passages from A Christmas Speculation, my response with side commentary, and Greer's reply to me.
After comparing the policies of the GOP to the teachings of Jesus, The Archdruid comes to the following conclusion about what religion the GOP really follows, despite their professed Christianity.
If they’re deriving their commitments from a religion, it’s pretty clearly not the one taught by Jesus. Many people have made this same point in recent years, but it doesn’t seem to have occurred to any of them that another religion that’s active in today’s America does teach all the things the GOP supports. That religion, of course, is Satanism, and more specifically the version of it taught in Anton Szandor LaVey’s The Satanic Bible.After several paragraphs in which he explains how such a failure of evangelical Christianity could occur and why the GOP would turn to Satanism, Greer then brings up the issue of how those who had turned would be able to recognize each other.
Those who were around during LaVey’s glory days in the 1970s, when he appeared regularly on talk shows and had a coterie of Hollywood stars in his Church of Satan, will doubtless remember The Satanic Bible. For those who weren’t, it’s a book-length screed denouncing Christian morality and upholding an ethic of raw selfishness and might-makes-right. It’s still very much in copyright, so I’m not going to quote it here, but any reader who turns its pages will find the present social policy of the GOP precisely reflected in LaVey’s dismissal of two thousand years of Christian teaching about our duty to care for one another, his shrill denunciations of the vulnerable and needy as “parasites” and “vampires,” and his insistence that the successful owe nothing to anybody else.
An interesting coincidence, or perhaps an ironic one? Maybe so, but I find myself wondering if there’s more to it than that. It happens fairly often that the repeated failure of a belief system causes many former believers to swing all the way to the opposite extreme, and embrace the antithesis of their former faith. The neoconservatives who briefly and disastrously shaped the direction of US foreign policy in the first years of this century are a case in point: many of the leaders of that movement were doctrinaire Marxists during their college years, and responded to the abject failure of Marxism by doing their level best to become the wicked capitalists they had once so fervently denounced.
As the number of devil worshippers in evangelical churches and the Christian end of the Republican Party increased, though, their most pressing need would have been some surreptitious way to signal their involvement to those who shared their convictions, without believers in the Christian gospel being any the wiser. Coming up with a Satanic shibboleth that would be instantly recognizable to other devil worshippers, but completely opaque to devout Christians, might seem like a tall order, but it’s one that seems to have been met with aplomb.This is the sentence that made me decide to respond. Still, I read on to see how Rand could be used as a shibboleth for the closet Satanists in the GOP would able to communicate with each other.
Yes, this is where we discuss Ayn Rand.
Her present role as intellectual pin-up girl for people who call themselves Christian conservatives is thus a little odd, since claiming to be a Christian and a believer in Rand’s teachings at the same time is right up there with claiming to be a vegetarian carnivore or a celibate harlot. It’s not just that one of these things is not like the other; Rand’s teachings are flatly, openly, and deliberately opposed to every part of the gospel of Jesus.At this point, Greer has left reality and entered the realm of satire. Just because he's writing fiction, however, doesn't mean that he's not telling a greater truth.
Rand’s anticommunism made her turgid novels popular on the less thoughtful end of the American right in the 1950s and 1960s, though, and that accident of history prepared her for what might just be her core role in contemporary culture: a covert way for devil worshippers to identify themselves to one another in the supposedly Christian (and just as supposedly conservative) GOP of today. Closet Satanists attending fundamentalist church services or Republican party get-togethers can’t exactly sport upside-down pentagrams on their shirts or greet other attendees with a hearty “Hail Satan,” but a casual reference to one of Rand’s novels or pseudophilosophical screeds is the next best thing: once someone else responds enthusiastically to the mention of Rand’s name, a few other seemingly casual comments and perhaps a covert devil sign or two would be enough to settle the matter.
[W]hen supposedly Christian politicians start waxing rhapsodic about the alleged intellectual or literary virtues of Ayn Rand, I trust my readers will remember that what they’re saying actually works out to “I worship the Prince of Darkness, and you should too!” Any of my readers who happen to be devil worshippers themselves can proceed to welcome them as friends and brothers, while those of other faiths can cast their votes as their own ethical views suggest.*Snork* As I wrote, Greer has clearly been writing satire for several paragraphs. Still, if he wants to place a nude woman on the stage, there are other candidates in addition to Ms. Coulter.
At this point, though, it’s hard to see any reason why the Satanists in the GOP need to keep the pretense going any longer. In an era when most discussions of the Christmas season in the mass media fixate on whether retailers are making a big enough profit to keep the economy stumbling blindly onward for one more year, I think a strong case can be made that America is ready to shake off the last of its qualms and openly embrace a Satanic political agenda. Among its other benefits, putting public devil worship at the heart of the GOP, where it so evidently belongs, can’t help but improve the flagging ratings of Republican national conventions; the otherwise tedious proceedings of the 2016 GOP convention, for example, would be enlivened no end by a Black Mass celebrated by the GOP nominee, perhaps with Ann Coulter’s nude form draped over the altar and a chorus of delegates chanting “Evil, be thou my good!” from the bleachers.

And so you and your readers come back full circle to your first entry in April, "The Fate of Civil Religion," in which you identified both Satanism and Objectivism as anti-religions, Satanism to Christianity and Objectivism to Communism. I'm not the least bit surprised you brought the two together, as Anton LaVey himself called what he offered Rand with trappings. In fact, you pointed out the Satanic nature of the GOP's beliefs in an entry from August of 2011, "The Twilight of Meaning." I don't think many Republicans have noticed, so the message definitely bore repeating.Thanks to Chad/escapefromwisconsion of The Hipcrime Vocab for pointing this out. In a comment to my previous entry about Objectivism and Satanism, he included the link and relevant paragraph.
Greer himself noted something similar:Thanks to Chad/escape, I got points from The Archdruid for mentioning this.
I wonder how many of the devout Christians who back the Republican Party, for example, realize that the current GOP approach to social welfare issues is identical to the one presented by Anton Szandor LaVey in The Satanic Bible. (Check it out sometime; the parallels are remarkable.) It may seem odd that believers in a faith whose founder told his followers to give all they had to the poor now by and large support a party that’s telling America to give all it has to the rich, but that’s what you get when a culture’s central narratives dissolve; of course it’s also been my experience that most people who claim they believe in the Bible have never actually read more than a verse here and there.
The Twilight of Meaning
Back to my comment.
As for the current crop of Christianists AKA Dominionists being willing, active Satanists, I think they are a bunch of easy dupes for the Devil or some other equally evil diety pretending to speak for the Holy Trinity. A friend of mine has gone so far as to propose that that while the Dominionists think they're worshiping Yahweh, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, they've been hoodwinked, and Huitzilopochtli and a couple of his buddies from the Aztec pantheon are receiving the Dominionists' devotion instead.Side note: I first included that weird speculation in Tell me now, which deity do the Dominionists really worship? Crazy idea or not, it was enough to catapult the entry up to being the seventh most read at the end of the first year of this blog.
I had more points to make.
As for why they're such willing dupes, it's because they think they're making American Christian in preparation for the return of the vengeful Jesus of the Left Behind books and movies. Instead, they're making Christianity more American (actually more Southern) and then trying to convert America to that vision. Few ideas are more American in that view than anti-Communism, so slipping Satanism in via Ayn Rand was child's play.Greer published my comment and replied to it.
Finally, you noted that Lust was not getting its due in the current Satanic/Objectivist vision, despite its central position in the life and fiction of Ayn Rand. That's because the American Right has tried to make two works of science fiction into reality simultaneously, "Atlas Shrugged" and "The Handmaid's Tale." The only way that combination works is if one is working for a bunch of religious fanatics in service to a kleptocracy. That's definitely Satanic.
Darksumomo, good![**] You get tonight's gold star for paying attention. Your friend may be right, for all I know.If my friend is right, then welcome to The Land of Sacrifice.
*This isn't the first unflattering comparison I've made between Objectivism and an unpopular religion. Two years ago, I posted Objectivism and Scientology: a sublime to the ridiculous comparison. That was intended to be funny as well as insulting. I am much more serious when comparing Objectivism to Satanism. So is Greer, but he managed to make it funny, which is better than I could do.
**Why darksumomo instead of Pinku-Sensei? Because I was using my daughter's computer and had to sign in to respond with my LiveJournal account. It's one of the reasons I decided to return to LiveJournal.
Hey what a brilliant post I have come across and believe me I have been searching out for this similar kind of post for past a week and hardly came across this. Thank you very much and will look for more postings from you.satanism
ReplyDeleteThis spam is on-topic, if disturbing, so it stays.
ReplyDeleteI am a member of the illuminati brotherhood, i want to give thanks to the Lord Lucifer, for what he has done for me, he changed my life, he bring joy and happiness to my life, i am living a good life today is because of the illuminati brotherhood, i have being try all my life to join the illuminati brotherhood, i was scammed some many times but i still do not give up, because when you give up in life, life will also give up in you, if you have been scammed so many times, my advise for you is not to give up, because the illuminati brotherhood is real, i joined the real illuminati with out paying any money, anyone that ask for money to join is scam do not pay any money to join the illuminati, i want you all to know today, to join the illuminati brotherhood is free, you do not pay money to join, my advice for you all is to make up your mind and join the illuminati brotherhood, when my initiation process was completed the benefits amount which was given to me is $20,000,000.00 to start a new life, this is the reason why i can not stop hailing the illuminati brotherhood, if you are in any kind of problems or you in support in life, my advice to you is to join the illuminati brotherhood so that all your problems can be solve in life, to join the illuminati brotherhood you can contact email: initiationcenterofdevilchurch@gmail.com you can call or text +15088192672 Those in other countries outside the USA can contact the international agent on call Or WhatsApp +2347056024545 to join, join the illuminati brotherhood and see changes in your life, you have to know this again it is free to join the illuminati brotherhood that is order from the lord Lucifer.
This is the most bizarre on-topic spam comment this blog has ever received, so I'm keeping it just for the comedy value.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteTake your off-topic spam elsewhere, you bloody Viking! Deleted.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteFlattery will get you nowhere, spammer. Deleted.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteLists of irrelevant links are the next fastest way to get your comment deleted after posting non-English spam. Off to the bit bucket with you!
ReplyDeleteI am illuminati agent with membership ID 6665515. I bring the good news to all who aspire for fame, longevity, protection, wealth/riches/money and what have you. I am a living testimony as I was born into a very poor family and I have the aspiration to become rich in life so a friend introduced me to the illuminati and I key in. to cut long story short at the end of my initiation, I was given $2,000,000.00 USD, A mansion In any state of your choice, A ring of protection, a Visa to travel worldwide etc. since then my life have changed for the better and I am very happy. Because of my devotion to the brotherhood, they made me an agent to bring people to the light and become rich. So that’s why I am here to tell the world the best place to be is the illuminati. I want all to quickly note that joining the illuminati is totally free of charge you don’t pay a dine to become a member. I implore all of you reading this message to join us now and become rich and protected. To become a member call/text the illuminati official line on +1 (917) 791-0923 or you can email the hood directly on illuminatikingdom06666@gmail.com
"A ring of protection" — LOL, what are you, a D&D character?
DeleteHello, it is unfortunate that our secret fraternity have become what most people now use as there aim of getting money, I would say sorry to those who have falling to the once who claim of being an agent of our secret fraternity called Illuminati, any Illuminati member who doesn't show you his or her identity card is a fake and besides avoid those claiming a real agent on facebook there is no real agent on facebook due to the issue of fraudulent. The Illuminati is mainly from Egypt and Kenya, and note that our present head office is now in USA, it is no longer in UK again due to the fraudulent that are now existing there. there are only five agent which was recently send to Europe to establish the church of Lucifer over here. And the other thing is that we the real Illuminati are scarce and very have to identify , you can only identify us with our email address and our head office cellphone number which is +33758476136 , and our email ID which normally include "666" on it, and please for those who haven't yet be scammed and are willing to join, please be careful cos there are alot of fraudsters and so many imposter now who claims they are real. So now I will want those who are interested to hit this email address: illuminatiword0666@gmail.com , for the link on how to join our fraternity or hit us a message on our whatsapp with this number +33758476136 , for quick conversation on how to start. And there are still alot of fraudsters on whatsapp now and please you shouldn't add anyone on facebook or email any how, make sure you are terrified with it before you make any attempt, so be careful and also please beware of fraudsters..
ReplyDeleteThis is a weird comment to a weird entry, so I'll let it stay.
DeleteHello, are you interested in joining the great Illuminati brotherhood where you can become rich ,famous, powers, and wealth, for the rest of your life ? Benefit given to new member who join the Illuminati brotherhood $2,000,000 into your bank account...... $800,000 weekly salary.........
ReplyDeleteA car value at $7.500,00.......
Award contract worth $600,000,00.......A House in any country of your own choice. And a free visa to your dream country. Total lifestyle changes.... if you are interested contact agent Allen on Whats-app for better information's (+2349039797566)......
I don't believe a word, but I'm keeping your spam for the comedy value.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteYou may be a different account, but your spam is an exact duplicate of the last comment, so I'm deleting it.
DeletePeople make life difficult for their self , we are in the world were everything is in control , i was living a life of poverty and pains, i never new there was a life be young that, but right now i enjoyed every dividend of life , am rich , famous , powerful,i live a life with out no stress, The brotherhood bought me a house and a car. for any body who want riches famous and power,house and a car then you have the chance to do that, join the illuminati today to get whatever you want in life and become rich and also get the same of $ 10,000,000,00 [USD] for membership blessing. email us now; illuminaticultofrich666@gmail.com / whats-app OR call +2348147048097 or WHATSAPP THE GRAND MASTER +60139935753. We don't patronize people to join. If you are interested you contact us.Say bye bye to poverty by joining Illuminati i never believe not until i finally join but now i am rich..this man is real he made me what i am today and i am very proud of me begin a Illuminati member... if they, can make me rich make me become something in life why don't you join also for you to also be rich the money always flows through the members like an ocean that never runs dry contact him for help to join :::: NOTE; that in the Great Brotherhood of Illuminati no Bloodshed and no Humans sacrifices is involved [we don't kill for anything] OK... Do not miss this opportunity THANKS.
ReplyDeleteNormally, I delete MAKE MONEY FAST spam on sight, but this is so bizarre yet on-topic for this entry that I'm keeping it for the comedy value.
DeleteWelcome to the Illuminate brotherhood were riches and powers are achieved. Having you looking for a way to join the great brotherhood here is a golden opportunity and chance to join the great fraternity. Join Illuminate brotherhood today and receive the sum of $80,000USD immediately after your initiation and more benefits to come your way, No human sacrifices involve only few items needed for your initiation, if interested whats-app the temple lord on +2349039797566 for more information and how to be initiated.
ReplyDeleteYou're getting better at writing your spam to make it concise, so I'm letting it stay. Lucky cultist!
ReplyDeleteLOL, yes, these are all scams, I suspect, including yours. Still, I keep these here for the entertainment value.
DeleteScams, all scams that I keep for the entertainment value. Honestly, I'd rather have the Satanic Temple commenting here.
ReplyDeleteHello viewers are here to share my testimony on how I joined the brotherhood of illuminati. 3weeks back when I wanted to join the brotherhood I was fraud and scammed by the fake people using the website until I met a friend here called MR Scott ..who helped me to become a member of the great brotherhood of illuminati. today i can boost of money .If you are interested and you need the help of my helper.. CALL or WHAT'S APP him on: +1(315)316-1521
ReplyDeletethank u as u make up your mind to join may god Baphomet bless you....
Your poor English makes me doubt you're really from near Syracuse or Utica, New York, as your area code indicates. Just the same, I'm keeping your spam here for the comedy value, although I'd still rather read a comment from the sincere atheists of the Satanic Temple than scammers like you using the name of the Illuminati for profit.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteDuplicate spam gets deleted.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteNo, you already have one spam comment on this entry, you don't get another. Deleted......
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteNo, you only get one, no matter how many times you try. Deleted.
DeleteJOIN THE ILLUMINATI BROTHERHOOD TODAY AND BECOME RICH AND FAMOUS WITH IN 48 HOURS.! WhatsApp: +33758476136, Are you a business Man or Woman, Politician, Musician, Pastor, Lawyer, Actor, Actress, Banker, Footballer, Model, Graduate, student, Engineer And you want to be Rich, Famous and Powerful in Life, Note: The illuminati do not accept human sacrifices and no sharing of human bloods,
ReplyDeleteTHIS IS YOUR GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY, The great Illuminati brotherhood will make you Rich, Powerful, famous and wealthy. You can achieve all your dreams and heart desire by being a member of the Illuminati brotherhood, Long life and prosperity here on Earth. if you are really interested contact us today via: WhatsApp: +33758476136 ..
*A Cash Reward Of $50,000,000.00 USD.
*A New CAR Valued At $400,000.00 USD.
*A Dream House Bought In The Country Of Your Choice.
*Monthly Payment Of $350,000USD Into Your Bank Account Every Month As A Member, If You Are Really Interested Contact Us Today On via: WhatsApp: +33758476136, or Email: illuminatitemle666@gmail.com
I'm getting tired of this spam. I'm really tempted to delete all of the comments. Keep it up and I just might.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteMark Carlos, you get only one spam comment about a product or service (and I'm counting what you're selling as a service) per entry. You already have it, so I'm deleting every other comment you make on it.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteYou don't learn, do you?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteHi, mole! WHACK!
ReplyDeleteAre you having financial problems or do you need power to upgrade your business or office position,Music career and you need fame power and forever granted riches.
Each new member benefits the sum of $2 Million USD and constant monthly salary sum of $7000 USD .If you interested contact us now on WhatsApp +1(315)3161521 !!!!!
It may be the same scam with the same phone #, but it's a different account and slightly different text, so I'll let it stay. Lucky you, Viking cultist!
DeleteI highly doubt you have branches in every country in the ??? "Caroline Kate," who has been on blogger for all of two months. I also think you're a scammer, but, like all the rest of the "Illuminati" spammers, I'm keeping this around for the comedy value.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteI'm not in the mood for any more spam. Canned!
DeleteThis is a good news to my life and my generations, i am so proud of the great illuminati brotherhood, i want to say a big thanks to the illuminati brotherhood in world, i have tried so many times to join the illuminati brotherhood, so that i can live a better life, but i was not lucky to meet the right people that will help me join this illuminati, i have been scammed so many times, and i was promise that i will receive my benefits as a member, all was scam and i was not happy about it, because i read in the internet that so many great men and women are all illuminati members, this was the reason i never stopped, because i know that when i meet the right illuminati, my life will be changed for good, because of this i still believe in the illuminati and continue search on the internet, i never give up because i have the hope and believe, i was born to make it in life, because my dad once told me that if you give up in life, life will also give up on you, because of this i never one give up, on till i meet the right agent of illuminati, that directed me on how to join the illuminati, brothers and sisters i wan t to use this opportunity to tell everyone that it is totally tree to join the illuminati, you don't need to spend any money to join, it is free don't pay any money to join illuminati, because i was scammed so many times, the real illuminati don't ask for money to join, when i was totally initiated, i was given so many benefits, in my induction day i was given a cash of $2,000,000,00 ring of protection to protect my self and my family, Car of my choice and mansion of my choice and etc, Brothers and Sisters who are interested to join the illuminati and you have been scammed so many times, don't give up i will now direct you to the real illuminati official email: churchofilluminatiwealth@gmail.com or you can Call/Text WhatsApp Number +1 (508) 819 2672 You must have to know this that it is totally free to join the illuminati brotherhood.
ReplyDeleteAs sick as I am of the faux Illumi-naughty and their spam scams, I do find this more original and amusing than the ones I've been deleting, so I'm letting it stay for the comedy value. Lucky you, (oc)cultist!
ReplyDeleteIt is a well-known fact that Illuminati consist of Multi Millionaires, Billionaires who have major influence regarding most global affairs, including the planning of a New World Order. Many world leaders, Presidents, Prime Ministers, royalty and senior executives of major Fortune 500 companies are members of Illuminati.
join a secret cabal of mysterious forces and become rich with boundless measures of wealth in your company or any given business, the great illuminati can make everything possible. WE CAN MAKE YOU FAMOUS ONLY IF YOU ARE READY
make sure you drop your mobile number while emailing us and details about yourself.
Jesus Christ, how many of you are there? Don't you have some other blog to spam?
DeleteI know you have been scammed before or you’re scared to join the Illuminati brotherhood due to the conspiracy theories about it. Today comes with a good news for you, I want you to know that you won’t kill human being to join or will you be asked to pay for Registration fee.
ReplyDeleteWhat’s needed of you is Maturity, faithfulness and honesty. Once you have those examples, I guarantee you that the Lord Grand Master will accept you as a member of the Illuminati brotherhood.
Before I successfully joined the Illuminati brotherhood, I was twice scammed by fake people until I met Agent Randy from Illuminati brotherhood in Washington DC, United States online +1 (202) 750-0111 and he helped me to be a proud member of the Illuminati brotherhood. Search no more for help, just send an email to the initiationhoodofilluminate@gmail.com or you can call, text or WhatsApp +1 (202) 750-0111 and you’ll testify to the world also as I does now. Don’t forget that Registration fee is not needed to join Illuminati.
One more day to go, so this could be the last spam comment of the year. Just for that, I'll let it stay.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteOn the one hand, you're not (pretending to be) the Illuminati. On the other, they were on-topic but you're not, so deleted here. I have entries that mention interest rates; try there.
DeleteUSA ILLUMINATI Have you been looking for a way to join the great illuminati brotherhood here is a Golden Opportunity and chance to join the great fraternity. Join Illuminati brotherhood today and receive the sum of $10,000,000 USD into your bank account OR your cash app immediately after your membership and more benefits to come your way, Note: There's No human sacrifices and No blood share, If you're interested kindly contact us we have good benefits for the new members.Whatsapp +19592210429
ReplyDeleteEmail: illuminati666benefits@gmail.com A LOT OF BENEFITS WAITING FOR NEW MEMBERS.
I was beginning to wonder if the Faux Illuminati had forgotten about this entry, it had been so long. I guess not. An early happy Halloween to you, spamming scamming cultist!