Campaign finance reform and corporate reform are serious issues, but that doesn't mean that members and supporters of the Coffee Party can't have fun while working to "pass campaign finance laws that limit the impact of special interest groups such as corporations, major political parties, and lobbyists" and affirm that "Corporations are not people, but consist of people" as the Coffee Party's own goals declare. To that end, Coffee Party USA has partnered with Stamp Stampede to "stamp money out of politics."
Simply order the Coffee Party USA custom stamp from our partners at Stamp Stampede by clicking on the link. When your stamp arrives, start stamping your dollar bills. As Stamp Stampede says on its website, "Every dollar you stamp will reach 875 people, if you stamp 5 dollars a day for a year, that's over a million. Together, we can create a stampede that Congress can't ignore."
By the way, this is all perfectly legal. As our partners at Stamp Stampede have written, "it’s illegal to destroy paper currency or deface it so much that it’s no longer recognizable and has to be taken out of circulation. But that’s definitely not what we’re up to... Because we all want these bills to stay in circulation and we're stamping to send a message about an issue that's important to us, it's legal!"
What do our partners at Stamp Stampede expect once the people get the attention of Congress? They want "a constitutional amendment declaring that: 1) Money is not speech; [and] 2) Corporations are not people." Coffee Party USA supports these goals and asks that you, our members and supporters, get the message out through stamping your money. The results will be a lot more concrete and enduring than sharing one of our posts on Facebook, which we still want you to do, too.
Once we limit the power of special interest groups to influence our elections, we can work on making the rest of our vision true, that of "empower[ing] and connect[ing] communities to reclaim our government for the people" and making America "a nation of diverse communities sharing a culture of informed public engagement where our our solemn duty to vote is the only currency of our representative democracy."
In addition to spreading the word about getting money out of politics, purchasing a stamp will help support the Coffee Party. Stamp Stampede forwards a share of the price of each stamp to Coffee Party USA. Not only does each stamp get our message out, it acts as a fundraiser.*
So get your stamp and start stamping!
Coffee Party USA ia a 501c(4) nonprofit social welfare organization dedicated to empowering and connecting communities to reclaim our government for the people. To support its efforts, which include educating the public on our website and on our Facebook page, registering people to vote with our partners TurboVote and National Voter Registration Day, and reminding them to vote through our Voter Buddy program, please consider donating. A donation of $10.00 for ten years of Coffee Party USA is recommended. For those who wish to give at a higher level of support and be more involved in the organization, please consider becoming a member. To do the valuable work of the Coffee Party, volunteer. Not only will Coffee Party USA thank you for it, so will the country!
*I've already bought one.
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