Friday, February 21, 2020

Vox explains America's presidential primaries

I posted FiveThirtyEight's Primary Project explains how the U.S. primary system evolved and asks if there is a better way a little more than two weeks ago to express my frustration with the delayed results of the Iowa Caucuses.  That entry included three videos, which FiveThirtyEight had uploaded over three weeks.  Today, Vox managed to condense the same history into one video, America's presidential primaries, explained.  In addition to a snappier treatment of the topic, Vox also included their frustration as part of video, asking "Why does America's system for picking the president start in Iowa?"

Before Americans vote on the next president in November, both major political parties have to settle on a nominee. That process is called the primary, and in 2020 it consists of 64 different contests, held on 22 different days, over several months. And for some reason, it all starts in the midwestern state of Iowa. So how did America's political parties come up with this system? And is there a better way to do it?
Since FiveThirtyEight did this first, I find it fitting that Vox cited FiveThirtyEight's efforts to determine the most representative state in the Union, which is Illinois.  I'm also glad that Vox did a better job of exploring better ways of doing things, particularly the order of state primaries.  Li Zhou, who is interviewed in the video, explains more in Why Iowa and New Hampshire shouldn’t go first in the primaries anymore.  I recommend my readers read the article in addition to watching the video.

I'll have more on the primary contest tomorrow, when I plan on doing for Nevada what I've already done for Iowa and New Hampshire, share some marching music for my readers to enjoy while they wait for the caucus results.  Stay tuned.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Cool spam, but it's off topic here, where I will delete it. Find an entry about psychology or self-help, especially one with similarly weird spam comments, and post it there. I'll let it stay.
