Stephen goes LIVE after the final Trump-Biden matchup and finds a silver lining amid the lies, cheap shots and unmasked racism. What's got Stephen feeling optimistic? The fact that we'll never have to watch Donald Trump debate ever again.I think Kristen Welker won the night, but I think Dr. Jill Biden is a good choice, too. She's a fellow community college instructor. Also, like Stephen, I like floral prints and coordinated plans.
The other Emmy-nominated talk show host to comment on last night's event was Jimmy Kimmel on Trump and Biden’s Final Debate. He also thought Welker did well.
Jimmy breaks down the final debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, the mute button, Trump spreading lies and still refusing to release his tax returns, walking out of his 60 Minutes interview with Lesley Stahl, VP Mike Pence stops by the show, we compare and contrast Barack Obama’s rally for Joe Biden with Trump’s rallies, and Jimmy’s wife Molly made a video that details their experience with their 3-year-old son Billy, who was born with a pre-existing condition, to help everyone remember what this election is really about.I think Kimmel and his crew did a better job with the White House's version of the "60 Minutes" interview and former President Obama's appearance in Pennsylvania than with the debate. I have clips of Seth Meyers and Trevor Noah over the jump on those subjects, but first I'm sharing Samantha Bee's Debating Sam-antics, which serves as a good comment on political debates in general as well as a good punctuation for this part of the post.
It’s the debate we’ve all been waiting for! #ExpectTheWorst
All of the Sams have a point, including Sam as the moderator.
Follow over the jump for more from Bee along with a closer look from Meyers and the latest upload to The Daily Show's YouTube channel.
Now for Bee's main monologue from Wednesday night, The Nightmare Before Election Day Pt. 1.
Between insanely long voting lines, fake ballot boxes, and mail delivery backlogs, Republican leadership and the Trump campaign are pulling out all the stops in order to get out the vote(er suppression.) This is part 1 of 2. #ExpectTheWorstBee continued talking about long voting lines and voting by mail in The Nightmare Before Election Day Pt. 2.
This is part 2 of 2
That's almost as good a summary of election issues as Oliver's
Seth Meyers focused on the kerfuffle before the debate in Trump Leaks Embarrassing 60 Minutes Interview Before Second Debate: A Closer Look.
Seth takes a closer look at President Trump spending the lead-up to the final presidential debate whining about the moderator and leaking footage from his 60 Minutes interview.I agree with Seth; Trump did himself no favors by releasing the video showing him whining about questions from Leslie Stahl and Welker. Speaking of doing oneself no favors, Rudy Guiliani really should have known better. I think Sasha Baron Cohen is mean-spirited prankster who doesn't like American conservatives and he gives that side of him full rein when he's Borat. Mind you, I think he's also hilarious, but his wit has barbs and a sharp point that is aimed at his interview subjects, particularly ones like Rudy.
In between "60 Minutes" and Borat punking Rudy, Seth showed Trump going through his greatest hits, like telling a crowd to lock up Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, repeating the things that led to his impeachment, and engaging in conspiracy theories like Obamagate. I've had enough of this show and hope the voters cancel it..
Trevor Noah Obama Roasts Trump & Pope Francis Approves Same Sex Civil Unions.
Pope Francis endorses same-sex civil unions, NASA flies across the universe just to bitch-slap an asteroid, a Chinese building “walks” to its new home, a teen may have found a COVID treatment, and Obama outwardly roasts Trump at a drive-in rally. #DailyShow #TrevorNoahI knew I liked Pope Frank more than Pope Palpatine. As for the science, technology, and health news in this clip, that's what I would have been covering before Trump was elected. I'm glad I got an opportunity to write about it today thanks to Trevor Noah.
I conclude by answering "What is National TV Talk Show Host Day?" and "Why is it today?"

On October 23rd get ready to go live before a studio audience on National TV Talk Show Host Day! Created to pay tribute to TV talk show hosts and appreciate their unique form of humor, entertaining stories, spontaneous wit, and timely political jokes.Once again, Happy National TV Talk Show Host Day! May my readers be as informed as they are entertained!
Talk shows come in a variety of platforms. Daytime talk shows provide a combination of current events, health updates, technology news, and entertainment. The later the hour, the more comedy the TV talk show host dishes out. From practical jokes, impersonations, and sketches to games, sidekicks and audience participation. Guests usually star in an upcoming film or made headlines for a stunt, good deed or unusual invention.
Each day we watch our favorite talk shows, and we laugh, cry, listen and learn. It is these great hosts that make the shows ones that we want to watch. While they’ve expanded their formats, not much has changed. They still fill the night with humor and popular guests. The band plays along and the audience joins in the pranks, too.
National TV Talk Show Host Day was chosen to be celebrated on The King of Late Night Television’s birthday. John William “Johnny” Carson was born on October 23, 1925. Carson was the host of The Tonight Show for thirty years (1962 – 1992).
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