The 2020 "All-American" Marching Band presents their first halftime show of the season: a spooky Halloween show! Enjoy as all three platoon[s] perform these creepy classic tunes, with feature performances from the Golduster Dance Team and the "All-American" Twirling Team.When I wrote Rose Parade cancelled because of pandemic, college football season in jeopardy, I was reporting what was true at the time, but no longer is. Big Ten (actually 14 with the additions of Penn State, Nebraska, Rutgers, and Maryland, but who's counting?) Football has resumed, pandemic notwithstanding. As I repeated in that entry, "America is quite clear about its screwed up priorities. My experience has convinced me that the surest way to get Americans to act is to mess with their entertainment" and "Americans want their entertainment, and will do just about anything to keep it going." This video performance serves as evidence that I was right.*
Follow over the jump for two Halloween halftime shows from before the pandemic, showing that the above performance might have looked like when conditions were more "normal."
The more recent is the 2016 Halloween show that provided the preview image.
Here is the Halloween show performed by the Purdue "All American" marching band on 10/29/16 at Ross-Ade stadium in West Lafayette, Indiana.That is very similar to this year's version and gives a good idea of what it would have looked like with a full band performing in front of a live audience.
For a different program, I present "All-American" Marching Band Halloween Show 2015.
"Night on Bald Mountain"Once I heard the opening narration, I couldn't resist this video, as it connected this entry to yesterday's about the Haunted Mansion. Foolish mortals!
"Uma Thurmond"
"Monster Mash"
Now for a drink. Since Purdue's nickname is the Boilermakers, here is Tipsy Bartender's Boilermaker.
A shot of whiskey and a beer!
It was time I shared a Tipsy Bartender video for this series.
That concludes today's Halloween entry. Stay tuned for another holiday post tomorrow. Trick or treat!
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