Monday, June 15, 2020

Susan Rice calls for D.C. statehood on MSNBC and N.Y. Times, a late Flag Day post

A belated Happy Flag Day! Three years ago, I called for a 51st star for Puerto Rico on Flag Day. Last year, I wrote about D.C. statehood for a 51st or 52nd star on Flag Day. I was planning on observing the holiday yesterday, but as I wrote in A test with tweets, my home broadband connection went down so all I could manage on my smartphone yesterday was I haven't seen this many statues fall since the end of the Cold War. Now that my broadband connection has returned, I can post what I wanted to write yesterday, Ambassador Rice Makes The Case For D.C. Statehood | Morning Joe | MSNBC.

Former U.S. Ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, weighs in on the White House's decision to withdraw U.S. troops from Germany and why she says D.C. deserves its statehood.
Consider this an update to Roll Call and Teen Kids News update statehood for Puerto Rico and D.C., popular topics for the past three years of Crazy Eddie's Motie News. Since I've made National Pina Colada Day the holiday to call for Puerto Rican statehood, I'm going to use Flag Day for D.C. statehood from now on until it is granted. May that be sooner rather than later.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. You didn't get the message the first time. Your spam won't remain where it's off-topic. Deleted!

    2. No, you haven't. First, the spam wasn't very dramatic and second, the spammer is still active on other entries. I'm just waiting for the spammer to show up on either Entertainment for the sixth year of Crazy Eddie's Motie News, where I might even let it stay, or Science fiction speaks to our current anxieties, where I wouldn't. Both of them have become major spam traps. If you want to read more of me battling spammers, click on those links. There's lots of drama and comedy there!

  2. DC should at least get political autonomy outside of the Govt Sector and a voting member of Congress.

  3. Not sure if Puerto Rico even wants statehood any more. We've fucked them over pretty bad.

    1. Statehood has won the last two referendums, finally beating Commonwealth status, which had always won before, so the evidence is not (yet) on your side. If Puerto Rico holds another referendum and statehood loses, then you might be right, but that hasn't happened. Click on the links on the subject under the video to read the other side.
