This month's theme is Pressure.
Sometimes a little pressure can be exactly what you need to catapult yourself through your resolutions, and if you resolved to write more in 2014, we hope you'll join along with January's NaBloPoMo to jump start your year.There's more from the email for this month:
This month, we're looking at the concept of pressure -- the pressure we put on ourselves, the pressure we feel from others, and whether that pressure can be used to our advantage. This month is about finding your strength and letting out a Katy Perry-worthy RAAAAAAAAWR!
Of course, it's easier to deal with pressure when you have a little support. Lean on the NaBloPoMo community to make sure you achieve your goal of writing more this year.
Pressure is often spoken about in a negative way, but can pressure also be a positive thing? Is it good sometimes to put a little pressure on yourself to achieve your goals? To hold yourself to a high standard? If you've made resolutions this January -- especially if your resolution is to write more -- we want to put on some gentle pressure and encourage you to sign up for January's NaBloPoMo.I can look at this topic at a bunch of levels, from me as an individual, where I'm feeling less pressure from my job but more from this blog, all the way up to the pressure humans are creating on the biosphere. In between are things like price and other economic pressures, social pressures including political pressures, and environmental pressures all the way from the population up to the ecosystem. Oh, yeah, I'm liking this already. It's enough to get me to examine more serious topics in a more fun way, and shake off the spells of "I can't be all DOOM all the time" that have been coming more frequently. I felt the same way about last January's energy theme, and it propelled this blog to its first 10,000 page view month. Keeping up that level of readership is one of the sources of personal pressure on me this year, but that's a topic for another entry.
Daily blogging can jump start your year and ensure that you build the energy to power yourself through those subsequent months. We'll be looking at ways we respond to pressure through the writing prompts and figure out ways to use pressure to our advantage.
So here's a little peer pressure: sign up for January's NaBloPoMo.I already did the day before yesterday. This blog is listed on the blogroll at #69. Time for the sex badge from Nablopomo's February 2013 theme.

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