This month's theme is GROW.
It's spring! Sort of. At least it is on the calendar even if it's still snowing in your neck of the woods. Since the warm temperatures are going to continue to grow, we're going to think spring with our theme.This month's theme reminds me a lot of themes during Aprils of previous odd-numbered years, 2013's Fresh and especially 2011's Sprout, which was the first Nablopomo theme I blogged about here. That's a good thing, as it means I can write about food, agriculture, and especially urban farming, as well as the good and bad side of growth, whether it's personal, social, or economic. I can tell I'm getting excited about the possibilities already. Why, I might even use some of this month's prompts.
Spring is a time to think about your own growth and take steps to make it happen. Of course you know the saying that if you want flowers, you need to make your garden grow; meaning, you need to put in the effort to see the growth. So what do you want to learn this spring?
For me, it's all about the writing. And by writing, I usually mean blogging. Writing is what I wanted to do when I grew up, and it's still what I want to do now. So this month is about setting new goals. How can I grow my blog or my writing skills? How can I take steps to go into the summer feeling as if there has been growth in the spring?
Sign up for April's NaBloPoMo and let's grow together.I did that a couple of days ago and am number 33 on the blogroll. Some of the other participants look interesting. I'll read some of them and, should they live up to expectations based on their blog titles, report back about them. Stay tuned.
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