Happy National Moon Day! To mark the 50th anniversary of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landing on the moon, I'm sharing CBS Sunday Morning's restrospective of the mission, To the Moon! Apollo 11's great adventure.
Jeffrey Kluger, editor-at-large at Time magazine, recounts the human landmark of landing men on the lunar surface. Kluger talks with Apollo 11 command module pilot Michael Collins and astronaut Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin and, in archive footage, hears from mission commander Neil Armstrong about the achievement of the first Moon landing, and of the "magnificent desolation" they found there.I was nine years old 50 years ago and I sat in front of the TV waving an American Flag while Armstrong and Aldrin landed and again when they walked on the Moon's surface. I then scratched the date onto the label of a glass jar. That jar is still sitting in the kid's bathroom of my mother's house where I grew up.
I plan on writing about returning to the Moon, both India's planned unmanned landing and NASA's plans to land humans on the Moon in 2024, after I follow through on my promise to continue blogging about the Saturn Awards nominees and celebrate Souther. Stay tuned.
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