Happy Souther, a holiday John Michael Greer and I co-founded that falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Summer Solstice, the mascot for which is a wombat, an Australian animal. Today is also National Ice Cream Day. It turns out I was prepared for this last year.
The wombat approves...So might The Wombats, whose latest album includes the song "Ice Cream." Seriously. That's perfect for next year, when Souther will fall on July 21, which will once again be National Ice Cream Day.Without any further ado, here are The Wombats singing "Ice Cream."
Looks like I've found the song for this fake holiday!
Of course, a celebration of Souther would not be complete without an ice cream recipe. Here's How to make Spiked Ice Cream by Tipsy Bartender.
Watch as we show you how to make...SPIKED ICE-CREAM! In this episode we are actually making our own ice cream from SCRATCH! How badass is that?! It's quick and easy, and can be done without an ice cream maker. We make a delicious green mint chocolate chip ice cream spiked with Bailey's Irish Cream and Creme de Menthe liqueur. This ice cream is awesome for a summer-time snack or you can double or triple the recipe for an adult birthday party--it would go great alongside any of our infused cake recipes! Bon Appétit!That's it for this fake holiday. The next one is the original, Wester, which will fall on October 20th this year. That's also National Brandied Fruit Day. I'm thinking about the possibilities already.
4oz Sugar
1 Egg
4 1/2oz Whipping Cream
4 1/2oz Heavy Whipping Cream
1 1/2oz Milk
2 1/2oz Baileys
1 1/2oz Green Creme de Menthe
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